Items in sidecart

Customer Service

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

HI, I have 2 items sitting in the sidecart, they were to be shipped with subscriptions. But I noticed that they got moved to January. SO, I was wondering if they could be shipped out this month? They are Pathfinder Lost Omens Absalom, City of Lost Omens and Pathfinder Lost Omens Monsters of Myth. I would appreciate it! THANKS! Kevin B

Customer Service Representative

kevin bienhoff wrote:
HI, I have 2 items sitting in the sidecart, they were to be shipped with subscriptions. But I noticed that they got moved to January. SO, I was wondering if they could be shipped out this month? They are Pathfinder Lost Omens Absalom, City of Lost Omens and Pathfinder Lost Omens Monsters of Myth. I would appreciate it! THANKS! Kevin B


Of course. I've moved the items from your sidecart over to new order #36722010 and you should be receiving an email confirmation here shortly as well :)

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