Where in the Inner Sea region to set a West Marches game that won't overlap with the APs and lore?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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West Marches is a type of hexcrawl that's suitable for random groups of players collaborating to explore a wild region. It's a fascinating style of play, and you can read more about it here if you don't already know about it: https://arsludi.lamemage.com/index.php/78/grand-experiments-west-marches/

I'd like to find an area of the Inner Sea region to place a West Marches campaign in. I don't want it to overlap any APs or standalones or Pathfinder Society scenarios—or even any areas covered in sourcebooks past and upcoming, first or second editions. I want it to be an area that Paizo hasn't covered, and ideally will never cover. Obviously none of us knows the future, neither does Paizo past a certain point, but what I am looking for is an educated guess. What do you guys think?

I don't want it to be another continent, far from the action. I want it to be near the action, but undeveloped. I don't know enough about the setting to make the call, so I am turn to you for guidance.

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This is pretty much the explicit purpose of the River Kingdoms.

The River Kingdoms seem like a perfect place for the woodsy/swampy/mountainous/hilly/rivery areas of Wilderness [mebbe even caves and ruins too]; might be a bit of a stretch for deserty, Oceanic, jungley, or snowy areas [unless really high-up a mountain or volcano or even more deeply underground?] though.

Liberty's Edge

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Oceanic : Eye of Abendego.

Deserty : Osirion

Jungley : Mwangi Expanse

Snowy : Irrisen, Mammoth Lords, Linnorm Kings (North or South).

Really most of the Inner Sea has NOT been described in definite detail except for big or AP-important places.

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If you want something that we know nothing about and never will, then it's the continent of Sarusan. (I've always wondered why people don't just homebrew instead, though. Genuine question.)

If you want something that you could get some information about the general region, but not about any specific landmarks, maybe make up an island in the ruined continent of Azlant? There are some islands that have been described in adventures and APs, but it used to be a whole continent, so it makes sense that some are not known, and it's a nice way to have a somewhat enclosed world.

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Homebrew, for me, is another word for "bad". I don't mean to ruffle feathers, but you asked. I'd rather not derail the thread with that discussion. But anyway, that's why I am not "homebrewing" anything. Even my West Marches campaign I plan to take it from an expert. Just lift it from him and use it. I wish Paizo would make one. (Kingmaker isn't it btw.)

Azlant is a good idea, but I don't want a tropical climate. Same reason I am not interested in Osirion etc. I want typical European climate. So I'll take the River Kingdoms.

So now the question becomes which part(s) of the River Kingdoms have not been covered in any Paizo material. I want to stay as far away from Kingmaker as possible. My groups will one day play it, and I don't want to create any conflicts.

I am prepared to go through all six Kingmaker adventures to find the answer, but if any of you know, I'd appreciate the help.

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The Raven Black wrote:

Oceanic : Eye of Abendego.

Deserty : Osirion

Jungley : Mwangi Expanse

Snowy : Irrisen, Mammoth Lords, Linnorm Kings (North or South).

Really most of the Inner Sea has NOT been described in definite detail except for big or AP-important places.

The Mwangi Expanse got a several hundred page book in 2e and had two dedicated supplements in 1e. I don’t know that it fits what OP wants.

icycalm wrote:

So now the question becomes which part(s) of the River Kingdoms have not been covered in any Paizo material. I want to stay as far away from Kingmaker as possible. My groups will one day play it, and I don't want to create any conflicts.

I am prepared to go through all six Kingmaker adventures to find the answer, but if any of you know, I'd appreciate the help.

PF1e's Guide to the River Kingdoms might be a much better resource for you, icycalm; Only two of the listed places there are central to the Kingmaker Adventure Path.

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