Pathfinder Society Home Game - Adventure Selection Advice

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

I posted this elsewhere on these boards but didn't get any bites. Maybe this is a more suitable place.

I plan on running a home game where the PCs will all be members of the Pathfinder Society. This will not be an actual PFS game, but I would like to draw heavily upon the vast amount of content available from PFS scenarios and rich story that has been developed. The slight twist here is that the PCs will be involved in forming their own lodge. In fact, I was considering having them form their own faction. This will be based in Golarion but will involve some obvious divergences from the plot and story line that has already been developed. Mostly these divergences will revolve around their lodge (faction?), adventures and changes that they accomplish via those adventures.

I would like to find some preconstructed material that would be good to use for this concept. I have played a fair amount of PFS but very few adventure paths (mostly only Emerald Spire). I would like to call on the help of those more familiar than me to help string together some scenarios, modules and maybe adventure paths to help build a campaign around. I thought using some of the scenarios involving the Shadow Lodge and adjusting them would be a good place to start. I could either adjust them so that the Shadow Lodge is investigating their lodge or replace all references of the Shadow Lodge with their lodge.

I have also like the idea of including scenarios that involve the Aspis Consortium heavily as I plan on having some recurring Aspis NPCs. In fact, I have already started building some of them.

Other than that I'm not sure where to start. What would really be helpful is a list of related PFS scenarios. I find that longer story arcs are more easily adaptable to this kind of endeavor. Perhaps my google-fu is failing and I haven't found the correct search terms. But if such a list exists of multi-part scenarios that could be a good launching point for me.

I'd love to give more information on my campaign premise but it is still very much in the concept stage. I plan on taking input heavily from my players about what they would like to see from the campaign (within the confines of the concept), where they would like to adventure, etc. That may play a part on my selection for inspirational adventures. But I'd be happy to answer any questions about this that people may have.

Also I am not opposed to 3rd party content as long as it is easily adaptable to Golarion and the concept I have put forth.

I can offer a bit more direction.

I will probably run them through some classic PFS type scenarios at first. Likely heavily altered to include some ongoing plot hooks that I will be setting up for each character and the team as a whole. Once they have a couple of adventures under their belt I would like to have them handle a mission where they are going to speak with and convince some other Pathfinders to join them. These member will vary in rank and level and I plan on setting some of them up as recurring NPCs. Many will be allies, most will have some personal agendas, some may be Aspis double agents, spies or other villainous types.

I have yet to decide what kind of NPCs to setup as their Venture Lieutenant and Venture Captain. I have a few ideas for some of the other NPCs but could use more. I like to create adventures around motives as I feel this grants a more realistic environment so NPCs with motives and agendas are best.

One of the early missions that they will need to do after splitting off to form their lodge is to establish a base of operations. I have one that I have built that I plan on setting up as a "dungeon" for them to clear out and move into. Geographically they will get to choose where this is located on Golarion but not something so specific as "inside a volcano". Mostly they are choosing where on the world map they would like to be stationed at.

I was thinking that the base could either have been a buried forgotten Sky Citadel that has fallen into disrepair or the remains of a space ship. Either way I have a rather secretive NPC Pathfinder who is interested in the complex as a means of returning home ... to Akiton. So perhaps there could be some sort of broken portal there? Or a shuttle that he needs to obtain parts to repair?

I would like to have one of the BBEG late game mover and shakers to be Treerazor. I have ran across some scenarios that mention him. I am unsure if he is part of any modules. But I am looking for plots that involve him, his followers, cultists, etc. Or anything that could be easily adapted to fit.

Another thing I am thinking of doing is picking something like Jacob's Tower (from Zenith's Games) or some other similar dungeon and using each level of it as a point of advancement for the party. My groups typically like the GM to track leveling themselves rather than using XP. I was thinking that they will need to complete each level of the dungeon to advance a character level. I could even make it part of a curse that has fallen on the party. I do not yet own this product so I am unfamiliar with the end but I'm sure it is something I could work into the plot.

So basically while I plan on coming up with a lot of original content and modifying any pre-existing content that I use I could use some help coming up with existing sources to pull on for this endeavor. I know there are those more knowledgeable than I with existing scenarios, modules and APs. Could anyone offer some help, please?

Look at season 5 scenarios. Those are mainly focused on the Worldwound. There is at least one scenario that takes place in the Tanglebriar. There is also a 3 part series that involves finding a sky citadel.

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