Statboy |

Question about how 10 minute rest works with, fatigue and non lethal.
Fatigue states anything that heals nonlethal cures the fatigue. If the amount of non lethal damage is greater than your stamina points, does the fatigue still get removed?
Also if non lethal damage is greater than stamina points does all the non lethal get removed on a 10 minute rest?

BigNorseWolf |

You can neither run nor charge, and you take a –1 penalty to your Armor Class, attack rolls, melee damage rolls, Reflex saving throws, initiative checks, and Strength– and Dexterity-based skill and ability checks. The amount of bulk you can carry without becoming encumbered is reduced by 1. If you are fatigued, doing an activity that would normally cause fatigue causes you to become exhausted instead. After 8 hours of complete rest, you are no longer fatigued.
So 8 hours of rest will clear fatigue, But I don't see anything about HP , temporary hp, or a 10 minute rest.
In starfinder non lethal damage only matters if its the last thing to hit you , in which case you drop unconscious instead of drop and start dying. Otherwise its just damage

Statboy |

I'm going to be forced marching my party. I'm pretty sure its not last hit matters anyway. If you have 10 HP+sp and take 6 lethal and 6 non lethal damage. You drop unconscious but aren't dying no matter what order the damage came in.
From forced march:
"When you recover from this nonlethal damage, you also eliminate the fatigued condition."
So did this mean a 10 minute rest removes the fatigued? Does it still if non lethal is greater than SP? Since you only recover SP.

BigNorseWolf |

I'm going to be forced marching my party. I'm pretty sure its not last hit matters anyway. If you have 10 HP+sp and take 6 lethal and 6 non lethal damage. You drop unconscious but aren't dying no matter what order the damage came in.
Pathfinder worked that way, and despite the extra tracking and occasional raw shennanigans I liked it better. but for starfinder
Dealing Nonlethal Damage
Most attacks that deal nonlethal damage work like any other attacks, and they deal damage to your Stamina Points or Hit Points as normal. However, when nonlethal damage would reduce you to 0 or fewer Hit Points, you are reduced to exactly 0 HP and fall unconscious, but you are stable instead of dying.
Tech revolution has an envoy improvisation that makes non lethal damage work almost like oldschool unless the other guy positively evicerates the opponent.
From forced march:
"When you recover from this nonlethal damage, you also eliminate the fatigued condition."So did this mean a 10 minute rest removes the fatigued? Does it still if non lethal is greater than SP? Since you only recover SP.
So for a forced march as written you would need to clear both somehow to remove the fatigued: If the vanguard with the 18 con is still in stamina they rest 10 minutes and are Fine. If the ysoki couch potato mystic is missing hit points and stamina you'd need to recover the hitpoints somehow (probably with a serum) and the stamina (probably with a 10 minute rest, but possibly with an envoys help, a healer with the medic archetype etc)

Wesrolter |

I think Order does matter, if your hit for the lethal first you become unconcious, if your hit with the lethal second, your bleeding out. Starfinder just deals damage as a whole, not a seperate track for non lethal. An SRO would be immune to the Non lethal, as are some bad guys, its a damage type with a special effect. With the way it is written specifically for the forced march, if you have 30 Stamina and take 12 damage from the forced march, it does read like a 10 min rest would eliminate it but the rest would be at the end of the day, not during the travel, as its part of the full day to travel those extra hours. I think with Forced March it has a specific tag for that fatigue and a maybe something like a Beer of healing can remove it since its specifically tagged onto the damage.
Bit from Forced March
You can walk for more than 8 hours in a day by making a forced march. For each hour of marching beyond 8 hours, you must succeed at a Constitution check (DC = 10 + 2 per extra hour) or you take 1d6 nonlethal damage. If you take any nonlethal damage from a forced march, you become fatigued (see page 276). When you recover from this nonlethal damage, you also eliminate the fatigued condition. Still, it’s quite possible to march yourself into unconsciousness by pushing yourself too hard.
Non Lethal damage
Most attacks that deal nonlethal damage work like any other
attacks, and they deal damage to your Stamina Points or Hit
Points as normal. However, when nonlethal damage would
reduce you to 0 or fewer Hit Points, you are reduced to exactly
0 HP and fall unconscious, but you are stable instead of dying.