What would entice you to test out a new rpg system in need of testing?

Off-Topic Discussions

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I've created my own rpg system, or more like a very heavy modification of d20.

Finding test players is challenging, as in I barely get interest, almost never get to try it out much less get feedback on making it better.

So I ask, what kind of incentives can I provide players that they'll accept testing a system, or even just having deep discussions about it?

Is that rpg system of yours, GM DarkLightHitomi, the very same one as the one mentioned in your recent recruitment thread?

Do you, by chance, have or have had a real-life ttrpg group that you're a member of that can act as some sort of [alpha?] beta test group? Sometimes, one or two close real-life friends in a gaming group might serve to help bounce ideas off one another- whether it be a homebrew setting or even a game system.

Alternatively, you might try some of the more crunch-focused gaming boards to get a read on what they'd think of some of your rules. Depending on that board culture, they may or may not be supportive. Best to get a feel for those boards before making any such attempt.

I guess it might be better to just put together a game document and release it out in the wild [a pay-what-you-want on DriveThruRpg? Be sure to get those OGL documentation in order too], though that wouldn't necessarily necessitate into people that would actually do the play-testing that you seek.

Another possibility, especially if there's a general bias in favor of a particular game system, is to mebbe tack on some of the rules that you want play-tested onto that system as some sorta house-rule?

Mind you, this is just 'stream of consciousness stuff' that's percolating thru my head and it may not have any real effects that you're looking for or it might not be all that useful in the real world in terms of getting folks to play-test those rules.

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That recruitment is my system, a version of it anyway.

It has been nearly a decade since I've been able to play in-person unfortunately.

I don't have in-person friends anymore because I don't get to socialize in-person anymore.

Hence my seeking online players.

As for publishing, I am actually in the middle of consolidating a set of my rules into a complete booklet. I'll actually be posting a thread shortly on a few choices I'll be making for that booklet, since I actually have multiple different methods for somethings.

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