Good Theme for Labor Organizer...


Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I'm putting together a character concept for SFS inspired by RL events (don't worry, it WILL be respectful).

However, I keep running into a bit of a stumbling block of finding the right theme for a labor/union organizer that fits -- Corporate Agent doesn't seem to fit as it's more 'Corporate' than 'Union'.

Are there any thoughts or ideas out there?

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The prole from we're no heroes. Gets good at their profession and auto aids another

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

If you're homebrewing it, you could take a stab at converting the existing Union Organizer archetype into a Theme?
lvl 1: Boost Cha, choose one of Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate as a class skill

lvl 6: Talk to the Crowd sounds good as-is, honestly. Getting a feat from a theme feels a bit over-powered compared to other Themes, but really, how often is this specific feat going to be game-breaking.

lvl 12: This one is a bit trickier, since the archetype's lvl 12 ability is more tied in to the Teamwork feats, which may be too powerful for a Theme ability.
Hmmm, I dunno, you could brainstorm something Union-y, and see if there's a mechanical benefit in there somewhere? "Union Benefits Package" that give you a 10% discount on some relevant gear/service? "Pull Seniority" to give you a +2 bonus to all Cha checks vs anyone younger than you (elves, eat your hearts out!) "Rebuke Scab" that functions like a Vanguard's Clothesline? IDK, just spitballing here :D

lvl 18: Regain RP anytime you succeed at a Diplo check to improve attitude, or an Intimidate check to bully?

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It's sfs so no home brewing.

Beauracrat works oddly well, Especially if your business would have any ties wit the government

1st: profession bonus and a field of interest depending on your agency/ company

Bonus to a profession, you can reflavor gathering info at 6 to stopping by the union hall,

expert in the field would work the same whether it was a government or employee organization. Just need to pick a company that would work well for both, like transportation.

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
However, I keep running into a bit of a stumbling block of finding the right theme for a labor/union organizer that fits -- Corporate Agent doesn't seem to fit as it's more 'Corporate' than 'Union'.

Corporate agent is flavored as a megacorp minion, but their skill set seems pretty well suited to a union organizer who has some clout and contacts, too. How better to resist the corps' insidious influence than by using their own tactics against them?

If you want a completely different approach, use a background appropriate to the profession or affiliation that characterizes the union's members: ace pilot or spacefarer for someone who operates or supplies starships, roboticist or cyberborn for a tech guild, icon or athlete for someone organizing entertainers, guard or law officer for security work, etc.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
BigNorseWolf wrote:

The prole from we're no heroes. Gets good at their profession and auto aids another

Nice suggestions so far and thank you.

The only problem with We're No Heroes is that I'd have to buy it and right now I'm waiting to hear back from Paizo on certain issues before buying anything new that's non-subscription.

Good idea with the Bureaucrat, BNW, I'll take a look at it.

Wayfinders Contributor

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Wei Ji, you don't have to purchase the AP to use the character options from it anymore.

Starfinder Society Character Options:

Using Options Published in Starfinder Adventures and Adventure Paths wrote:
Ownership of Adventures or Adventure Path volumes is not required to use Character Options originally published in Adventures or Adventure Paths in the Starfinder Society campaign, as long as rules are referenced from the official Starfinder Resource Document (sfrd). A player must still have a chronicle sheet from a Scenario to use any options in that Scenario.

So the Prole is wide open and available!


Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:

Wei Ji, you don't have to purchase the AP to use the character options from it anymore.

Starfinder Society Character Options:

Using Options Published in Starfinder Adventures and Adventure Paths wrote:
Ownership of Adventures or Adventure Path volumes is not required to use Character Options originally published in Adventures or Adventure Paths in the Starfinder Society campaign, as long as rules are referenced from the official Starfinder Resource Document (sfrd). A player must still have a chronicle sheet from a Scenario to use any options in that Scenario.

So the Prole is wide open and available!


I don't have to, but I want to help those who produced that content to help them keep producing said content. :>

Wayfinders Contributor

And hey, they accepted the Union, so now you could purchase it digitally if you want to do so!


Grifter, if you complete the Fly Free or Die AP, or perhaps the Quartermaster could be squeezed in, though it would limit from which industries the character comes from.

Edit: The Diplomat also seems like a natural mechanical choice, though the flavor is bit mismatched.

Bit weird how none of the themes scream 'leader' outright.

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