Free RPG Day Adventures: 1xp or 4xp?

Pathfinder Society

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

With the 2021 Free RPG Day Adventure recently announced I wanted to circle back to a previous discussion that hadn't been finished, yet, but since it was buried in another Blog, I figured I'd create a separate thread just for it:

A note on Little Trouble in Big Absalom: This adventure, despite taking 3-4 hours to run, currently awards credit as though it were about half that length. This was an error on our part, and we apologize for it. We can’t retroactively fix the XP now, because that would have cascading effects upon your characters, but we want you to know that we regret the error and our failure to fix it quickly, and that it’s not our intent going forward. If an adventure takes 4 hours to play, it will award credit as if it were a scenario.

Prior to this Blog, PCs who completed Little Trouble in Big Absalom earned just 1xp. The intention of this quote certainly (to many people) seemed to be that, "going forward", PCs completing it will earn the regular 4xp. But later on in the comments below, Tonya complicated that understanding:

The increase in rewards granted 4 Fame, not 4 XP. It is still 1 XP (see the note about Free RPG day items going forward).

As pointed out in that thread, this comment didn't make a lot of sense, since Fame is no longer issued, and can no longer be spent. She then added:

Alex is out for a few days, so it will be the end of the week before he and I can circle the wagons and make sure we are both thinking the same thing. We'll get a clarification statement issued then. Thank you for your patience.

But she stepped down as Organized Play Coordinator shortly after that, and as far as I can tell, a clarification was never given.

So, just to set the record straight, do/will Free RPG Day Adventures run after the date of that Blog award 4xp? Or just 1xp?

Paizo Employee 5/55/5 * Organized Play Coordinator

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1 XP for LTiBA only. All future FRPGD adventures will earn 4XP from the jump.


Running LTiBA for the first time soon. The original sanctioning document listed 2 Treasure Bundles, and the quoted comment from Tonya from a couple months ago was in relation to that being looked at with Alex. Did anything ever come of that?

Also, would AcP/GM credits for this be allocated as if it were a Quest (like the XP remains) or a Scenario (like the Reputation and Downtime were changed to)? Thanks for clarification.

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