sevenveils's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 9 Organized Play characters.


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Thanks for responding to questions. Wondering about how this impacts (totally free, labor of love) conversions of PF1 modules and APs to remastered PF2. These projects keep people buying and engaging with legacy material all over again.

Can you please lay out how to pursue that in the new licensing regime?

If anyone is still out there, I am unable to purchase a gift certificate because the Place Order button is greyed out. Only if I remove the gift aspect and try to buy it for myself with no message do I get a live button.


Running LTiBA for the first time soon. The original sanctioning document listed 2 Treasure Bundles, and the quoted comment from Tonya from a couple months ago was in relation to that being looked at with Alex. Did anything ever come of that?

Also, would AcP/GM credits for this be allocated as if it were a Quest (like the XP remains) or a Scenario (like the Reputation and Downtime were changed to)? Thanks for clarification.

Tonya Woldridge wrote:

The increase in rewards granted 4 Fame, not 4 XP. It is still 1 XP (see the note about Free RPG day items going forward).

I did notice we didn't say anything about increased treasure. That is on my list to review.

Hi all! I'll be running LTiBA for the first time in a couple weeks and would appreciate clarity from whomever is capable.

From the blog post up top, I understand the adventure should grant:
*1 XP
*4 Reputation
*8 days Downtime

The original sanctioning document listed 2 Treasure Bundles, and the quoted comment from a couple months ago suggested that was being looked at. Did anything ever come of that?

Also, should AcP/GM credits for this be allocated as if it were a Quest (like the XP remains) or a Scenario (like the Reputation and Downtime were changed to)? Given most things were corrected up to Scenario level, I'm guessing these should be as well? Everything but XP?