sevenveils's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 Organized Play characters.



Running LTiBA for the first time soon. The original sanctioning document listed 2 Treasure Bundles, and the quoted comment from Tonya from a couple months ago was in relation to that being looked at with Alex. Did anything ever come of that?

Also, would AcP/GM credits for this be allocated as if it were a Quest (like the XP remains) or a Scenario (like the Reputation and Downtime were changed to)? Thanks for clarification.

Tonya Woldridge wrote:

The increase in rewards granted 4 Fame, not 4 XP. It is still 1 XP (see the note about Free RPG day items going forward).

I did notice we didn't say anything about increased treasure. That is on my list to review.

Hi all! I'll be running LTiBA for the first time in a couple weeks and would appreciate clarity from whomever is capable.

From the blog post up top, I understand the adventure should grant:
*1 XP
*4 Reputation
*8 days Downtime

The original sanctioning document listed 2 Treasure Bundles, and the quoted comment from a couple months ago suggested that was being looked at. Did anything ever come of that?

Also, should AcP/GM credits for this be allocated as if it were a Quest (like the XP remains) or a Scenario (like the Reputation and Downtime were changed to)? Given most things were corrected up to Scenario level, I'm guessing these should be as well? Everything but XP?

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