Should Swashbuckler / Investigator Really Require Finesse Weapons?

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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Verdyn wrote:
The whole premise of this thread is asking if it would be okay to open up Swashbuckler to use more weapons with their class features not about which characters are or aren't suited to being in any given class. The talk about which characters fit which classes was from a poster trying to say that you don't need to open things up to build a swath of iconic characters that could be built as Swashbucklers.

I was, in fact, answering to BloodandDust ( which also pointed out that "the Op" was asking for opinions ).

Nothing wrong there, as I just exposed my point of view ( which is that the swashbuckler works around specific mechanics, and I consider it fine being a finesse weapon master ).

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I think that the current restrictions are fine, it really does help those classes nail the flavor of using light weapons and doing fancy stuff to make it count.

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