The Archives of Nethys |
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Hi everyone! This one is a BIG update, and for more reasons then Secrets of Magic! For over ten years, I've had much of the same design with the Archives, save for some small alterations in the menu. Thanks in large part to our new acolyte Star's expertise with design and learning more about what we can do with our Telerik controls, we have a brand new UI to bring to all of you!
The new slideout UI is made available by mousing over the left side of the screen, though for users with touch screens and no mouse, you can achieve the same effect by clicking the mask in the top-left corner. Many of the original menu items have been re-grouped and may not be in exactly the same place as you remember, but all should be present. If you don't like the new UI, just click the "Classic Menu" option available at the bottom of the slideout menu and you'll be able to use the old art same as you always did.
We have more changes with this update and more to come in the future, especially to the PF1e and SF sides of the side. We've made some improvements with how the new tables operate on mobile but still have some work to do before we're happy with how the filters function. Elements of the new slideout UI may come to mobile in the future as well, but for this update we limited the new UI change to the desktop view.
Lastly, I wanted to give a few couple of large thank yous with this update, both to the members on my team and to the folks supporting us online.
To my team: this update had a LOT of moving parts and I would have given this venture up ages ago if I was still going it alone - thank you everyone for your valuable help and amazing skillsets at keeping the Archives chugging along.
To the fans/users: thank you immensely for all of your support! August was a huge month for Patreon support, love on twitter, fantastic YouTube videos, and more! I'm grateful every day that I'm still getting to work on this fantastic site and couldn't wish for a better community.
All of that said - ENJOY THE NEW UPDATES!!!
New Books
- [Adventure Path] Pathfinder #170: Spoken on the Song Wind
- [RPG] Secrets of Magic
Site Updates
- New UI! The slideout UI is now available on Desktop. If you wish to access the old menu, just click "Classic Menu" at the bottom near the search option. For users on touch screens, click the Nethys mask in the top-left to open/close the menu. The new icons come from the fantastic open source font RPG-Awesome
- The "All Spells" telerik table has been temporarily changed with regards to the "Heightens" column. Until I figure out best practices with setting a default/changeable filter, we've decided to adjust the column to a simple true/false that shows "can a spell heighten", much like the superscript H on the list table. As such, the tables will only show one copy of each spell. If you wish to access the "show spells at all heightenable levels" functionality, you can do so with the Spell Lists. We will be bringing this column back in a future update once we figure out how best to handle it.
- Telerik tables should scroll properly on mobile devices now.
- We've adjusted our "spoiler" logic to only show on non-Common entries. As far as we've seen, nothing Common from an AP/Adventure has included spoilers, so we feel safe in removing the text from those entries.
- The "Proficiency Without Level" variant has been added as a new option to creature statblocks. It doesn't function at the same time as Elite/Weak yet but will be an addition with a future release.