3 Tomorrow must Burn chapter 2 finale question

Age of Ashes

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

on page 43 it says:

"If survivors of a fight on a lower floor have fled here to raise an alarm, they and the thugs and the velstracs confront the PCs in area H3a after Barushak gives the PCs a choice (see below)."

I must be blind but I cant find a "choice" below. What am I missing?

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, PF Special Edition Subscriber

You're not the only one missing it. The choice was omitted from the book. Just an editing mistake, so you'll have to come up with a choice for him to give. Maybe an offer to join the Triad or help blame Nidal?

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Thanks! Now I can stop rereading it over and over, lol.

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I gave my characters the option of joining the Scarlet Triad.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I was wary of replicating the same plot beat from the Heuberk Thropp encounter, so rather than attempt to hire the party I was going to have Barushak threaten to execute his remaining captives if the party didn't give him and his associates an opportunity to evacuate. But my murderhobos had buffs ticking down and didn't let him get three words out before initiating combat.

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