Adding MM feats to wands, wheres does it say you can add these?

Rules Questions

So I'm wanting to make some nifty wands for daily use. Would like to add my metamagic feats to them to make something like a heightened hold person or the like. Assuming total level is what you pay for and that you need a slot that high to make a wand capable of it correct?

You can create wands with metamagic applied, but they're still limited by the 4th-level maximum. That is, you could create a wand of Quickened Acid Splash (rather pointless, since it's still a standard action to activate the wand) for 21,000gp, but not a wand of Quickened Grease.

Does this answer your question?

Magic Item Creation: "Using metamagic feats, a caster can place spells in items at a higher level than normal."

Shadow Lodge

I believe you treat it as if the wand held a spell of the effective level of the spell with metamagic. So a hold person heightened to level 4 (the highest level you can put in a wand) would cost the same as a wand with a 4th level spell in it, or 4*7*750gp=21,000 (or 10,500 to craft).

Weirdo's got it. You change the variable, spell level, in the calculation to the modified meta magic level and compute. Caster level remains the same unless you want to increase that for level variables in the spell.

Edit: I guess everyone had it.... Hooray for you guys!

But where does it say that you can apply a MM feat to a want? You could do say intensified fireball wands for help in a pinch.

Sovereign Court

Do you mean using a wand and then applying a meta-magic feat to the use of that wand?

Grick pointed out the other way which would be making a wand that has a meta-magic affected spell in it.

Grayfeather wrote:
But where does it say that you can apply a MM feat to a want?

The line Grick posted says you can create metamagicked items. It needs to be done when the item is created, not when the item is used, and doing so will increase the cost.

Grayfeather wrote:
You could do say intensified fireball wands for help in a pinch.

Unless you're using the Staff-Like Wand discovery, that won't do much. Even then, crafting such a wand takes a week and a half, and costs over 10000gp; the fireballs in it each cost over 200gp.

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Grayfeather wrote:
But where does it say that you can apply a MM feat to a want? You could do say intensified fireball wands for help in a pinch.

Are you talking about activating a normal (non-metamagic) wand, then applying your metamagic feat on the spot? Can't be done.

FAQ wrote:

Metamagic: When casting a spell from a scroll, wand, or staff, can I apply one or more of my metamagic feats to that spell?


—Sean K Reynolds, 07/21/11

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