Lightning Lash stat block

Rules Questions

Pathfinder #74: Sword of Valor pg. 74 wrote:

Lightning Lash

School evocation [electricity];
Level cleric 3, hunter 2, inquisitor 3, oracle 3, ranger 2, warpriest 3, witch 3
Casting Time
1 standard action
Components V, S
Area 20-foot-radius spread
Duration 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw Fortitude negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes
You create a crackling lash of unholy lightning that flickers and flashes in your hand like a whip, shifting color in response to your mood and will. Once per round, you can make a melee touch attack with the lightning lash against a target within 15 feet. If the attack is successful, it deals 1d6 points of electricity damage and 1d6 points of damage from divine power (similar to flame strike), and allows you to attempt a trip combat maneuver check as a free action against your target (using your caster level as your CMB).

Area 20-foot-radius spread[/b]

Saving Throw Fortitude negates (harmless)

These two lines make no sense, right? Surely they should be Personal and None, like Gozreh's Trident?

Well if you use enlarge person You Will get the extra 5ft. and since it is a spell the creature can still make a saving throw to negate the damage

Reach has nothing to do with the spell having an area effect that makes no sense, and a damaging spell can't be (harmless)

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