Transmute Rock to Mud

Homebrew and House Rules

I have a druid who just reached level 9 and I am thinking of changing the rules to transmute rock to mud so that it affects worked stone, not just natural stone. My rationale for this change would be 1) it simply doesn't make sense that it wouldn't affect stone that has been chiseled, only one that has not? and 2) that's a pretty high-level spell and it's kinda not very useful if it can't affect walls. My understanding is that it [u]does[/u] work that way in D&D 5th ed, though I don't play that game.

Before I do this, does anyone have any thoughts on how this will affect the game overall?

I don't think it will matter much, it depends on your game...
How many castles do you deal with?

I think the main reason it doesn't work on worked stone is: what happens when you target a pillar holding up a castle? Nothing? Total collapse? Partial collapse?

Wouldn't break much imo.

Castles can be undermined pretty effectively by Trans R to M as written. It might not result in instant collapse but eh, have a little patience.

Your change would make grand vandalism easier but it was already possible.

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