Raging thrower Query

Rules Discussion

With raging thrower does your Instinct rage bonus apply to any thrown weapon you hurl at something?

Raging ThrowerFeat 1
Source Core Rulebook pg. 88 2.0
Thrown weapons become especially deadly in your fury. You apply the additional damage from Rage to your thrown weapon attacks. If you have the Brutal Critical feat or the devastator class feature, apply their benefits to thrown weapon attacks.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

That's going to depend on your instinct. If you're dragon or spirit instinct, for example, no reason it shouldn't. If you're giant instinct, then what you're throwing is going to matter, since Titan Mauler requires an oversize weapon. If you're animal instinct, you don't have an instinct ability that can be applied to a thrown weapon (and also have anathema preventing you from using a thrown weapon while raging without losing your instinct ability).

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
orphias wrote:

With raging thrower does your Instinct rage bonus apply to any thrown weapon you hurl at something?

Raging ThrowerFeat 1
Source Core Rulebook pg. 88 2.0
Thrown weapons become especially deadly in your fury. You apply the additional damage from Rage to your thrown weapon attacks. If you have the Brutal Critical feat or the devastator class feature, apply their benefits to thrown weapon attacks.

I think the intent is that you must still be raging.

As Hammerjack notes, you may miss out on some of the additional damage increases in certain circumstances, but I believe you can always use your base rage damageincreases even then.

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