Gilfalas |
So ages ago our GM gave out a magic belt pouch that was essentially a belt pouch sized BoH type affair but if someone tried to steal it or pick pocket you out of it it would start screaming. She has a habit of giving out items from 3.x and Pathfinder 1e but our group cannot seem to find this item.
Does anyone know what the exact name and/or game edition this item was in? Our group spent a lot/stupid of time trying to find it and no one could. All we came up with was the Stone of Alarm but we are all sure this was a belt pouch and not a stone.
Any help would be appreciated from the brain trust. Thank you for your consideration.
Belafon |
The closest thing I can think of in Pathfinder material is the Black Marketeer's Bag. It's a belt pouch that functions as a small handy haversack, and has an effect if someone tries to steal it.
But it doesn't scream so I don't think that's it. (What it does is force a Will save or the thief ends up putting an item in the pouch instead of taking the pouch, then forgetting what happened.)
Bjørn Røyrvik |
Encyclopedia Magica to the rescue! Or so I'd hoped but I can't find anything matching your description exactly.
It sounds a bit like the Pouch of Security from the D&D Rules Cyclopedia (i.e. BECMI rules).
Size of a large sack, can hold up to 60 lbs. any attempt at stealing it causes the bag to scream "I am being stolen!" in Common until the owner commands it to be quiet or one hour has passed. The yells can be heard up to 120'.
Unfortunately, there is no indication that it functions as a bag of holding - it's just a large sack. It could be your DM misread the entry and thought 'pouch' meant 'belt pouch', saw the 60 lb limit and assumed it had holding properties.