My somewhat sloppy 5E conversion.

Curse of the Crimson Throne

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Hello, I am one week away from finishing up my Curse of the Crimson Throne campaign using the D&D 5th edition rules. I figured it might help someone if I posted all of my conversion notes here because when I searched originally, I only found the first book converted which I definitely appreciated. I kept all my notes in Google Docs and my campaign is published on Obsidian Portal so I will link that here as well.

Originally, I had started running the first book using the 1st edition Pathfinder rules, but that campaign petered out, so I decided to try something different. I started off the campaign using the first book of Second Darkness, Shadow in the Sky, which was a blast to run and gave the PCs a nice gambling hall to use as a base of operations which they renamed The Gold Digger. Second, I wanted to keep the whole thing in the city, so after my players escaped from Old Korvosa, I switched the Hell's Rebel's AP, running the first three modules. I am including that conversion here as well. So there is not conversion for A History of Ashes nor for Skeletons of Scarwall.

My approach to the conversion process was similar to how Wizards recommends. I substituted similar creatures where I could, and sometimes I went a completely different route altogether. For example, I use demons and devils interchangeably and sometimes I just used Lovecraftian horrors instead of trying to faithfully convert a monster or find something similar. Also, because I never originally considered publishing these, they may be a bit messy in places.

For some resources, I utilized Frog God Games' Tome of Horrors and 5th Edition Foes as well as Kobold Press' Tome of Beasts and so some of the monsters are merely listed as page numbers in those books. The same is true for monsters from D&D's Monster Manual, Volo's Guide, and the Mordekainen (however you spell it) book.

I used 5e stat block generator for many of my conversions which was immensely helpful.

So with those caveats, I hope someone out there can find some use out of these documents.

Crown of Fangs

Hell's Rebels

Mantis and Maidens

Villains This one is pretty much books two and three.

Under the Gold Goblin I wrote this to replace the last part of Shadow in the Sky to tie it better to CotCT. I changed the final villain to an alchemist type and introduced some Proto-Gray Maidens.

Notes Here is where I kept track of some of my thoughts during planning.

Chaos in Korvosa My Obsidian Portal link.

Here it all is. I appreciate you reading this and I hope some of you are able to use this for your own campaigns. Enjoy!

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

Thank you. Downloaded and linked for future reference. Appreciate you're doing this.

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No problem. We finished last night. I used the star spawn of Cthulhu in place of the tanniver, and didn’t anticipate just how tough it is to get around the resistance to all weapon attacks. Also, Illeosa, while a bit squishy the way I made her, packed a helluva punch while they focused on the star spawn. They took out all the false Ileosa’s in the first round. Ileosa laid the hurt and the wizard of the party spending most of the time dispelling her shenanigans. Eventually, she power word killed the wizard, feeble minded the cleric, and then the fighter and rogue flanked and shanked her to death. I decided to forgo the contingency healing because it was getting late and I realized that I made the encounter itself overpowered. So when she died I had the star spawn and the everdawn pool explode in a deluge of blood which filled the chamber and ran down the inside of the tower as it shook itself apart.

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