Warpriest - Swift Actions

Rules Questions

The Concordance

Ok, we had a bit of argu... discussion about this. There seems to be a bit of confusion on this.

One of us is absolutely sure he read that the blessings are swift actions to activate.

Another is pretty sure that warpriests channel as a swift action, it just uses 2 of the channel ability.

The only thing I am finding is that they can use 1 fervor to cast a prepared spell as a swift action.

Clarify for us please?

Using a Blessing is a Standard Action, unless otherwise noted in the Blessing itself. There are quite a few swift action Blessings though, and a couple of Move actions as well, but generally speaking, they're all Standards unless called out as a Swift or a Move action, and it would say that specifically in that particular blessing.

Channeling Energy is always a Standard Action, and costs 2 uses of Fervor. You can reduce this to a Move Action with Quick Channel feat.

And you can use 1 Fervor to cast a spell as a Swift Action but the spell targets the Warpriest ONLY. Even if the spell would normally target the Warpriest + Allies, when cast in this way, it will only affect the Warpriest and not their allies.

Silver Crusade

Quicken Blessing is a feat.

The Concordance

Thanks folks, I appreciate the quick clarification.

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