1e vs. 2e Loot


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I've been thinking a lot about the differences the two systems impose on loot. Specifically I've been thinking about how I need to alter loot from 1e adventures (as well as older D&D 3.0 and 3.5e adventures) to suit 2e PC's. I'm running many older adventures but using PF2e, you see.

The most obvious change is to reduce gold by 90%. But it's not that obvious because the expected wealth by level amounts are different. So a good GM (not me, but a good one) would total all the loot in any given part of an adventure, compare it to the expected loot from that level range and adjust. That's a bit of a pain in the behind, so I'm trying to work out a quick rule-of-thumb sort of thing.

The other consideration is that weapon runes (and later, armor runes) and magic items in general are hard-wired into the math of 2e, so those need to be available. 2e GMs using older adventures need to make sure that a reasonable amount of these are in the adventure.

So... anyone have any rule-of-thumb advice for this sort of thing?

When we were getting started with PF2 I ran a mini-"campaign" for one of my sub-groups using material converted from PF1/d20. In the process of doing the conversions I searched out and evaluated every quick-and-dirty treasure conversion guide I could find. None of them worked; items were especially problematic.

I ended up doing the "total all the loot in any given part of an adventure, compare it to the expected loot from that level range and adjust" method.

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I have been running a converted Giantslayer campaign in PF2 and loot probably takes the longest prep time (although prep for monsters/npcs is significantly reduced, so still a time saver).

My approach has been to go through the entire adventure and note all the important items (e.g. Agrimmosh, Nargrym's Steelhand, etc) to ensure those are included (and respeced). Then fill in the remainder based on the treasure charts.

You can see an example here from Book 1 how I track it. We have six PCs so they get quite a bit extra.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Well, after having said I wouldn't, I knocked out a spreadsheet for three of my campaigns. Turns out the parties are more or less on track.

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