What PCs Should Be Prepared for by Level (PF1)

Pathfinder Society

2/5 5/5

I can't remember where I saw it, but I know I've seen advice on what types of challenges PCs should be prepared for at different levels. It was a sort of "At level X you should be ready for flying foes, by level Y have a way to hurt incorporeal foes," etc., etc,. I don't think it was PFS specific, but it might have been. I want to pass it along to a player. Can anyone remind me where it is?

Grand Lodge 4/5 ** Venture-Agent, Colorado—Denver

It's one of my favorite posts.

Painlord's What to expect thread.

2/5 5/5

Perfect, thanks!


Some of my more paranoid PFS1 characters have several thousand GP worth of "panic button" consumables - Elixir of Darksight is not cheap, but when you really need it, nothing else will do!

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