Hell's Vengence and Redemption

Pathfinder Adventure Card Society

So I just bought the Hell's Vengence character deck and was wondering how do you redeem cards in organized play? I know in Wrath of the Righteous you got "Redeem a card" as a scenario or adventure reward.

Is this HV1? Some characters ignore the Corrupted trait on cards, but if not The Asmodean Disciplines allows you to redeem a card.

It's pretty inefficient, however, for two reasons.

Reason #1 is that it must be banished to redeem. So if you redeem a card in level 2 or 3, you'll need to spend another item 2 upgrade to get AD back. It isn't until level 4 that you can banish AD and get it back w/o spending upgrades.

Reason #2 is that you can only redeem cards that have already been added to your deck. It would be great if you could redeem any card on the list when banishing AD (including future upgrades), but I don't think that's the case.

There's also a separate question as to whether AD is technically allowed to redeem itself. Link here.

Hell's Vengence 2. Thanks for the information!

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

There is no way to redeem cards included in HV2. This seems like an oversight (given the inclusion of an otherwise-useless redemption card) but was never officially addressed.

skizzerz wrote:
There is no way to redeem cards included in HV2. This seems like an oversight (given the inclusion of an otherwise-useless redemption card) but was never officially addressed.

Only thing I can think of is if you played the base WotR adventure path and decided to mix cards from HV2 in with WotR's cards.

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