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Alright so essentially the rules from CORE are supposed to be retroactive to all previous sets?

Then the question becomes was that interaction as silly as I think it was using the rules on the cards as presented when they were printed.

EDIT:Just checked that link, mentions only for mixing older cards with CORE, not playing old sets, or even 90% of the Oganized Play adventures.

Yoon: When you reset your hand, after you draw cards, you may set aside an equal number of random cards from your discard pile, bury 1, and shuffle the rest into your deck.

I cast a spell, and bless. end my turn. Draw 2, I have the option to get 2 random cards from my discard pile, bury 1 and shuffle the other in? Also do I choose the buried card or is it random between the two.

Radillo: When you play a spell that has the Arcane trait during an encounter, you may examine the bottom card of your deck; if it is a spell (☐ or an ally), you may put it on top of your deck (☐ or add it to your hand).

This is more a "is this as broken as I think" question. Playing with the Card Society ruleset with Wizard class deck + Ultimate Magic.
By Adventure 1 I can check "add to hand", and have Detect magic, and Locate Object. Cast detect magic, immediatly recharge to bottom of deck. Cast locate object, see Detect magic on bottom, add to hand. Immediatly recharge to bottom. Rinse repeat for every turn pull every boon out of 1 location.

Hell's Vengence 2. Thanks for the information!

So I just bought the Hell's Vengence character deck and was wondering how do you redeem cards in organized play? I know in Wrath of the Righteous you got "Redeem a card" as a scenario or adventure reward.

Looks like the only requirement is in any lighting Except Bright light you get Concealment. But if you have Shadow Form you get (Total Concealment) 50% in non-Bright Light, 20% always.

My thought was that Total Concealment means that your opponent has not Line of Sight on you. And if they have no line of Sight on you, they can't see you.

Also was curious how it works thematically, since the skill says "disappears into the shadows"

I'm fairly new to D&D and I'm exploring some options.
My question is how does a Synthesist with Shadow Form /Shadow Blend work both numerically and thematically?

If I went this path, would it just be the ultimate night time stealth character?

Shadow Blend (Su)*

In any condition of illumination other than bright light, the eidolon disappears into the shadows, giving it concealment (20% miss chance). If it has the shadow form evolution, it instead gains total concealment (50% miss chance). The eidolon can suspend or resume this ability as a free action. Source: Advanced Race Guide

Shadow Form (Su)*

The eidolon's body becomes shadowy and more indistinct. This shadow form grants the eidolon constant concealment (20% miss chance), and its melee attacks affect incorporeal creatures as if it had the ghost touch weapon property. The eidolon's melee attacks deal only half damage to corporeal creatures. Source: Advanced Race Guide