Witch Class - Am I Missing the Point?

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Exocist wrote:
Gortle wrote:
Salamileg wrote:
The Witch to me is a class with too much of a difference between their best and worst builds. On one hand, you have cantrip like Stoke the Heart, Evil Eye, and Nudge Fate which can be used every single encounter, and on the other hand you have ones like Shroud of Night, Wilding Word, and Discern Secrets which many witches will struggle to ever use effectively. From experience with a few different witches, hex selection will be the biggest factor on if a Witch enjoys their character or not.

There are very few classes that are like the Druid where all four of the orders work reasonably well. Lets see if they can keep that up with Secrets of Magic

Only half of the Sorcerers Bloodline magic spells are good, 3 of the Barbarians Instinct are much better than the others (Draconic, Animal, Giant) (Fury is terrible, and Superstition is almost unplayable). Almost nothing in Wizard Schools is worth taking at all - many are so bad even if you had them you wouldn't waste the action on using them. Three of the Oracle Mysteries are massive negatives (Ancestors/Bones/Lore).

Be thankful that you like a few witch builds. I haven't found one I like yet. The flavour is good, I'm just not seeing the mechanics that make me want to try it.

I guess I'm trying to say if I like half the options in a class then I'm happy, my expectation is met.

Spirit instinct is so bad you forgot it existed

? not sure what your thinking but the spirt barbarian is excellent

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Watery Soup wrote:
wegrata wrote:
many options require a lot of effort to make functional and that takes away from the fun of using the option.

One of the reasons why PF2 is a better game than other RPGs is the unbelievable number of options. With that, inherently, is the problem of multidimensional optimization.

It's the reason poker is more durable than Go Fish and Settlers of Catan is more durable than Life - the struggle in navigating the uncertainty makes for good replay value.

So you don't build a witch perfectly - there's nothing wrong with that in PF2. In PF1, the gaps between optimized and unoptimized were huge; the gaps have closed in PF2. Play a divine witch if you want, it'll be mechanically worse than a cleric, but it will be fine.

How a player plays a character matters a lot. If you're going to play a witch with the idea that you're going to stand back and just blast for damage, there will be way fewer options than if you consider borderline heresy like grabbing a whip and flanking (seriously ... consider it). On the plus side, fewer options means easier optimization, but the local maximum you find through a limited optimization is going to be much worse than the global maximum from complex, multidimensional optimization.

It won't even be worse in every way, even if you accept its base features were, unless we got intelligence clerics when I wasn't paying attention. For me, I think the Witch turned out fine because it seems like familiars are actually quite useful overall. Most of the Hex Cantrips are surprisingly good, especially because they're single action spells that fit in well if you recast every turn along with your actual casting--

Clinging Ice can just be recast every turn instead of sustained, at the risk of not getting to keep the penalty, but damage for an action is always nice, or you can let the penalty stand, which in some situations is going to actually cost the foe actions.

Nudge Fate is good because it applies to multiple things and you can decide when the spend the bonus and just keep the bonus there until its needed, which it seems fair to think it would come up at least once per round.

Stoke the Heart is lovely, especially if you have the right teammate-- say a flurry ranger or double slice fighter, or a monk who makes good use of flurry of blows, and so forth. You'll add a lot of extra damage keeping them stoked for a combat.

Evil Eye is fabulous because frightened is just that good a condition to inflict.

Spirit Object is neat, and can save you on slots and other resources, though its not quite as strong as the others due to the need for a two action to do any damage and not being able to park it to one action attack.

Discern Secrets *is* good, but mostly out of combat, since apparently many GMs nerf Recall Knowledge and such pretty hard.

Shroud of Night is sadly a little too dependent on the enemy not having darkvision.

Wilding Word is also unfortunately niche.

Without going into every proper focus spell they have, I love Elemental Betrayal as a damage booster for the party, if you coordinate at al, we used it to great effect in a recent campaign. Cackle has neat tactical uses, especially given some of the cantrip buffs. Life Boost is a good source of healing, especially since it only costs focus points. Blood Ward is fine by virtue of only being an action, and choosing the creature type when they cast it.

The familiar is super nice, I'm more partial to Master Abilities, particularly Spell Battery and Focus Point recharge.

Ultimately beyond that, you have the same number of slots as a Druid does, and they're pretty good, so you're not bad either, you're also intelligence based which means you fill a little bit of a different niche than the other 3 slot casters in the first place. They're really good at filling holes in the party, like if you need healing but also intelligence coverage.

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wegrata wrote:
I'm seeing a lot of choices but they don't seem to expand the way you play a class tactically. It's usually ... Repeat until the end of the encounter.

Very fundamentally, what you posted is the exact problem with the witch (plus the alchemist, plus every other class that doesn't fit in a neat box). Everyone wants to come up with a set of 3 actions that can be repeated regardless of whether you're fighting a single 80 XP enemy or four 20 XP enemies, whether you're ambushed or setting up an ambush, etc.

Some classes are going to be amenable to that - if you want to Stride-Stride-Strike on Round 1, then Strike-Strike-Step on Round 2, it is both easier to optimize and very limiting.

If you go in with the mindset of "I want three actions I can repeat for the rest of the encounter," I agree there some classes that will just not optimize well.

YuriP wrote:
I think that wegrate want to say that the most options require a lot of effort to make functional compared to other spellcasting classes.

I agree with that, in the sense that there are simply some classes that will take longer to find a rhythm.

And it's not just the witch class - a lot of things got an early reputation for sucking, when the reality is the optimal builds were just non-obvious.

People thought alchemists would suck without touch AC. They're okay. People thought archery sucked. It's okay. People thought the divine spell list sucked. It may be the best.

It's no problem if people don't want to put in the effort to find a decent build. But it's not a flaw of the class. Sooner or later people will figure it out and everyone can copy and paste the optimized build. No biggie.

Gortle wrote:
Salamileg wrote:
The Witch to me is a class with too much of a difference between their best and worst builds. On one hand, you have cantrip like Stoke the Heart, Evil Eye, and Nudge Fate which can be used every single encounter, and on the other hand you have ones like Shroud of Night, Wilding Word, and Discern Secrets which many witches will struggle to ever use effectively. From experience with a few different witches, hex selection will be the biggest factor on if a Witch enjoys their character or not.

There are very few classes that are like the Druid where all four of the orders work reasonably well. Lets see if they can keep that up with Secrets of Magic

Only half of the Sorcerers Bloodline magic spells are good, 3 of the Barbarians Instinct are much better than the others (Draconic, Animal, Giant) (Fury is terrible, and Superstition is almost unplayable). Almost nothing in Wizard Schools is worth taking at all - many are so bad even if you had them you wouldn't waste the action on using them. Three of the Oracle Mysteries are massive negatives (Ancestors/Bones/Lore).

Be thankful that you like a few witch builds. I haven't found one I like yet. The flavour is good, I'm just not seeing the mechanics that make me want to try it.

I guess I'm trying to say if I like half the options in a class then I'm happy, my expectation is met.

You can build some interesting characters with Ancestor oracle. I don't think it is too bad.

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Watery Soup wrote:
wegrata wrote:
I'm seeing a lot of choices but they don't seem to expand the way you play a class tactically. It's usually ... Repeat until the end of the encounter.

Very fundamentally, what you posted is the exact problem with the witch (plus the alchemist, plus every other class that doesn't fit in a neat box). Everyone wants to come up with a set of 3 actions that can be repeated regardless of whether you're fighting a single 80 XP enemy or four 20 XP enemies, whether you're ambushed or setting up an ambush, etc.

Some classes are going to be amenable to that - if you want to Stride-Stride-Strike on Round 1, then Strike-Strike-Step on Round 2, it is both easier to optimize and very limiting.

If you go in with the mindset of "I want three actions I can repeat for the rest of the encounter," I agree there some classes that will just not optimize well.

YuriP wrote:
I think that wegrate want to say that the most options require a lot of effort to make functional compared to other spellcasting classes.

I agree with that, in the sense that there are simply some classes that will take longer to find a rhythm.

And it's not just the witch class - a lot of things got an early reputation for sucking, when the reality is the optimal builds were just non-obvious.

People thought alchemists would suck without touch AC. They're okay. People thought archery sucked. It's okay. People thought the divine spell list sucked. It may be the best.

It's no problem if people don't want to put in the effort to find a decent build. But it's not a flaw of the class. Sooner or later people will figure it out and everyone can copy and paste the optimized build. No biggie.

I disagree with it not being a problem with the class. If it requires complex party setups or builds with archtypes that don't make sense for the character thematically, that's a big problem with the class as the class isn't functional.

I actually dont like the 3 action routine that you mentioned that's why I brought it up in the way I did, maybe I wasn't as clear as I should have been, but most of these options are just different spells that apply some (usually short lived) debuff or damage.

I have yet to find someone that's happy with a bomber, they end up satisfied playing mostly by handing out goodies to party members and then bombs here and there. Not exactly fulfilling for a mad scientist focused on destruction.

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WatersLethe wrote:

How easily we slip into the langauge of "bad", "useless", "garbage" when in PF1 we had archetypes that literally did nothing.

At worst, things in PF2 are niche or campaign dependent. Even witches can be shined up and function well in the right circumstances.


My criticisms, have been couched in the language that I don't like the builds. I often express that this is what I have found or this is my opinion. I freely acknowledge that classes like the alchemist and oracle have excellent flavour and can be fun to role play. But they are weaker classes in general. It is right to criticise the effectiveness of some builds or to say some are mechanically superior to others.

Yes PF2 is so strongly dominated by level over everything else that no class is actually useless, but the language is relative and has meaning.

We still have archetypes and schools which do almost nothing. May I present the Wizards Summoning School. Augment Summoning is so poor a choice of action I would never cast it if I had it. Its not actually useless. I'm just sure I would have a better option available.

The Witch class can be Ok. It depends if you like the hexes and cantrips or not. I have very mixed fealings on them. Most of them are very middle of the road to me. I'm not seeing the synergies, so I'm not a fan of the class.

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If the witch had better feats, the class wouldn't be too bad. The feats are role-play feats that are useless in real play or just useless and not worth taking. They may be the most terrible feats of any class in the game. The only feats that are somewhat ok are the lessons.

The hex cantrips can be pretty good. You have some flexibility in build.

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The-Magic-Sword wrote:


Ultimately beyond that, you have the same number of slots as a Druid does, and they're pretty good, so you're not bad either, you're also intelligence based which means you fill a little bit of a different niche than the other 3 slot casters in the first place. They're really good at filling holes in the party, like if you need healing but also intelligence coverage

Good comments. But for me the use of the Witches powers can often be very strongly tied to other PCs. If you have the right build in the group, then certain powers work OK. But if that sort of PC is not there they don't make much sense. Whereas say a Druid its powers are much more general and you can adapt them day to day to have a different role and fit into a new party.

Intelligence has its role, but I still see it as not as good as Wisdom or Charisma for casters. Personally I'd like to see a few more skill options added to Intelligence to give those characters a boost.

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Deriven Firelion wrote:

You can build some interesting characters with Ancestor oracle. I don't think it is too bad.

I'm glad you like it. But for me the action choice limits or action failure chances are crippling. I can't imagine a build I'd like, where I'd be prepared to live within those restrictions. The powers I'd have to have to balance it for me, would be considered broken if used outside the build.

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YuriP wrote:
Alchemic_Genius wrote:
Witch is going to feel bad if you play them as a wizard, vecause, well, of course the wizard is a better wizard.

You give a interesting point of view here.

In the playtest was considered that the Witch could be a Occult only prepared caster. Maybe if that's happened as a dedicated occult spellcaster it could be more interesting and usefull having more occult focused abilities.

I was one of the people who heavily argued for Occult only witch for the exact problem that you can kind of see now.

The feats are spread apart with wildly different usefulness because of how they are meant for one school or another. While the flavor feats are watered down because they have to fit all 3 spell lists.

But clearly the people who felt like I did were out voted by people who wanted pick-a-list.

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Alchemic_Genius wrote:

Witch is going to feel bad if you play them as a wizard, vecause, well, of course the wizard is a better wizard.

The advantage of the witch is that most of their hexes are 1 actions, or are sustained effects, which may as well be the same thing in many cases. They have "filler" actions that the wizard does not.

If you're in a campaign that doesn't have a lot of rests, this can be a big deal early on, to have these free use and renewable use abilities. I've also found players that are gunshy about using important resources will end up being better witches than wizards, because a wizard using mostly cantrips and focus spells is a hell of a lot less impactful than a witch doing the same (though neither of them are particularly good in an optimization standpoint)

Imo though, I still favor the wizard, but that's more a personal taste thing. Not many witch abilities excite me as much as extra spell slots, and wizard, especially spell blending wizard, can't be beat for that

Its good to hear from like minds - I was good with PF1 and the writers should have got all the opinions from those who wanted to play the class and incorporated it into PF2 - yet I am not seeing that. Its like the writers did it in a box with what they wanted it to be without listening the the fans of a witch. Books like Way of the Witch (d20) have come closer to what it should be - with problems as well but PF2 should have added more feats specific to Witches, spells and class builds for both Dark, Guardian and White witches, wider variety of Patrons (wider selection of Granted Spells and Hex Cantrips), more details on Covens, and include details for wider variety Circle rituals, candle (basically a potion that burns), Rock magic and Charms/Talisman. There is just so much they could have done but the over focus on familiars feats is just disappointing. They didnt even include feats (Ride Broom) or spells for creating the Animated Flying Broom for a witch. Hopefully the upcoming books will expand on it vs just republish other classes and stuff from PF1.

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I don't have an issue with the HEX spells - but the feat list is sad and the overall spell lists need more spells specific to the witch - and list of Patrons and (Hex Cantrip and Granted Spell) are extremely limited - like one for spell lists other than Occult. The Feats and spells for the area of FATE are really limiting.

Even a spell for WITCH SENSE to detect spell casting classes within 60 feet and their power level falls totally into my characters area - like detect magic but for spell casting classes. Its a very "witchy" thing for her to do or even add the "Danger Sense" FEAT available to Witches of FATE? Its in there - but not on the list for a witch. It just seems like they could have done so much but fell short. I realize it seems like I am hating on it but I'm not. There are alot of things in PF2 that are significant upgrades.

A couple of examples - Yes players get Nudge Fate - but why can't I pick between that and Discern Secrets or Guidance.

Then in Spells lists "A Bit of Luck" and "Diviner's Sight" arent even an option for a Fate Witch. Just doesnt make sense to me.

Alchemic_Genius wrote:

Witch is going to feel bad if you play them as a wizard, vecause, well, of course the wizard is a better wizard.

The advantage of the witch is that most of their hexes are 1 actions, or are sustained effects, which may as well be the same thing in many cases. They have "filler" actions that the wizard does not.

Imo though, I still favor the wizard, but that's more a personal taste thing. Not many witch abilities excite me as much as extra spell slots, and wizard, especially spell blending wizard, can't be beat for that

I agree with what - the witch is not a wizard and if you want a Witch with a book of shadows - then just play a female wizard and call your spell book your "Book of Shadows" get a Cat familiar and be off.

Its the same for playing a brown or nature Witch - you can just play a Druid and call yourself a brown Witch

The Gray witch is a multiclass of Witch and Ranger - Gray witches are the enforcers of a coven and hunt down and punish those who "wrong" witches or hunt witches.

The key focus on the Witch class has seemed to be Dark Witches - but if you want to play a Fate Witch or a White Witch (who does no harm) - its very difficult at at minimum limiting with the options made available.

The things that I am missing include:

1) Feat options are so incredibly weak:
Ride Broom Feat - Being skilled at riding a flying animated broom created by a witch. Guide with Knees, Fight on Broom, etc.
Witch Sense - Natural Ability for granting the witch the ability to detect other spell casters (witches, sorcerers and wizards) within 60 feet and via concentration getting an idea of how powerful they are.
Predict Weather
Future Site - Fate Feat - allowing to see into momentarily into someones past of future. Brief use seeing 10 sec but concentrating using a focus item to create a ritual using something like a crystal ball to see further gaining only images of their future or past.

2) List of Patrons is so limited - esp for someone wanting to go for the Occult like FATE which gives me TRUE STRIKE - are you kidding me! Is this the only option for a FATE Witch. I need more options for the granted spell for FATE or other FATE Patrons. Why not allow a choice with Patrons to select Nudge Fate, Guidance or Discern Secrets. Making the Granted Spell ONLY True Strike - a spell that does NOT help for a witch who doesn't attack.

3) Key things I want seem to be missing including:
Circle magic - rituals that the witch can do that are defined (yes I read rituals but they are extremely under developed in my option).
Candle Magic - the ability to place spells in candles created and release the spell as it is burned - ending when the candle is fully burned out.
Craft Charms - To both protect and benefit characters - including covering them with illusions, improving their abilities or protecting them from evil and other forces. Crafting seems totally setup for ARCANE expert casters only vs Expert OCCULT casters.

4) Rules for a Coven - Coven is mentioned under the witch class but I cant find anywhere where it outlines the Covens Book of Shadows (shared Spells for Coven members) and how Coven Sisters can join to cast more powerful spells. Coven Joining - fighting with witches of a coven within 30 feet from one another empowers their spells and gives +X on attacks and damage.

5) Types of Witches are differentiated well enough through the patrons.But the options are very limited for NON Occult witches.

6) Familiars - while I am good with Familiars and Patrons concept - I am not going to put more and more feats into a familiar. They are there to be friend, guide, spells mentor and protector when needed. A friend who holds your spells - but the witch gets so few feats that putting them into a familiar is just a waste. The familiar should advance on his own as the witches level increases. In my option as a witch increases in level - they should get a Familiar ability every couple levels as part of the class.

Maybe the rules are there and I just cant find them but I am trying to create that Witch who looks at you and says "You might want to answer the door - that might be important" then 10 sec later there is a knock at the door. Seeing into the future as a normal sense - like a player about to open a door and getting a sense of danger like a spider sense and saying "Stop - you better look closer at that door" Using these abilities to both guide the players and use them in combat knowing that the enemy is about to do - in vague terms. In later levels using this to improve their armor class per level as they get better. Her focus is all in Fate - divination, understanding and speaking with spirits, enchanting objects and magic circles to help the players, create candles and rocks to give players to help them throughout the game.

Its very frustrating that I can't create what I have been trying to create with Pathfinder 2. To add, I really like alot of the changes in Pathfinder 2 - its far better than other systems available and the recent create of https://pathbuilder2e.com/app.html is so nice. (Yes it should be a Paizo product like D&D Beyond. Yet the improvements are clearly seen there and I hope the writers really listen to the players to improve and provide more options here moving forward. Those are my thoughts again.

Horizon Hunters

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It is what it is...
I don't know much about the people who see no issue with this class but if you compare it with the other classes from APG like Swashbuckler, Investigator, Oracle and how well these classes were design then you'll start to see that Witch is kinda off.
But is not the "end of the world problem" like some d20 classes of other games... hahaha We have SoM coming soon although is not focus on witch class certainly we'll find something good for our witches there.

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Romão98 wrote:

It is what it is...

I don't know much about the people who see no issue with this class but if you compare it with the other classes from APG like Swashbuckler, Investigator, Oracle and how well these classes were design then you'll start to see that Witch is kinda off.
But is not the "end of the world problem" like some d20 classes of other games... hahaha We have SoM coming soon although is not focus on witch class certainly we'll find something good for our witches there.

Agreed. I'm hoping we start getting more options that are stand alone and separate from thematics. I really hate that most of the new options are in archtypes, which seem more and more like feat trees to me.

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wegrata wrote:
I have yet to find someone that's happy with a bomber

Then you haven't looked very hard. They're in every alchemist thread.

wegrata wrote:
Not exactly fulfilling for a mad scientist focused on destruction.

Just like you've done with the witch, you've set what you want to be the outcome first, and tried to cram a complex class into that cookie cutter outline.

That's why you're disappointed.

Ever hear the saying, "When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail"? That's what happens when you decide what the purpose is of a class first, and then optimize the class to solve the problem you think it should solve.

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Watery Soup wrote:
So you don't build a witch perfectly - there's nothing wrong with that in PF2. In PF1, the gaps between optimized and unoptimized were huge; the gaps have closed in PF2. Play a divine witch if you want, it'll be mechanically worse than a cleric, but it will be fine.

I agree - the problem I am running into is that the options for a divine or fate witch - both in terms of Patron options, feats and spells are extremely limited compared to Occult Patrons.

A divine witch is NOT a Cleric - if they want a cleric play one but a divine witch or White Witch - should be defined as such - I think the problem there is there are a ton of things a white witch should be able to do that a cleric cannot - but those options are just not present in PF2. They need a Earth Mother Patron - that provides a Divine Spell List Patron Skill Nature who is focused around Life (not a Druid)

Patron Hex Cantrip and Granted spell should provide a handful list of spells that they can PICK from. Nudge Fate, Guidance, Discern Secrets or other options for example. The Fate Witch ONLY gets TRUE STRIKE for a Granted Spell - thats totally broken for a witch who doesn't plan to ever attack enemies - Giving a FATE witch the choice for Granted Spell to include: TRUE STRIKE, Ill Omen, Object Reading or other Divination options would greatly improve the class.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Watery Soup wrote:
That's why you're disappointed.

That's also why there's a problem.

Repeatedly telling people to temper their expectations, settle for what they've got because it's not that bad and make sure they're building it properly isn't necessarily bad advice, but it does more to highlight the problem than indicate there isn't one.

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Watery Soup wrote:
wegrata wrote:
I have yet to find someone that's happy with a bomber

Then you haven't looked very hard. They're in every alchemist thread.

wegrata wrote:
Not exactly fulfilling for a mad scientist focused on destruction.

Just like you've done with the witch, you've set what you want to be the outcome first, and tried to cram a complex class into that cookie cutter outline.

That's why you're disappointed.

Ever hear the saying, "When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail"? That's what happens when you decide what the purpose is of a class first, and then optimize the class to solve the problem you think it should solve.

No need for any hostility my dude, we all like games and have different preferences in how we'd like to play and people saying they're unsatisfied with some options is defined allowed everywhere.

Can you recommend where I can look for examples of people being happy with a bomber build? I haven't seen any that are happy with it, I've seen people say it got more fun when they scaled down their bombing and started buffing the party more. To me those come across as being ok with a consolation prize than being happy playing the character they wanted to.

Can you point out anywhere I said things like that about witch specifically? Most of what I've said is these classes don't fit the expectations and desires of players and that's problematic IMO, if there isn't a way to play the characters people want that's a deficiency in the system and talking about it is how it gets fixed.

Some people like playing very tactically interesting classes and some don't, having options for both is a good thing, it supports more people playing the game.

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Gortle wrote:
Deriven Firelion wrote:

You can build some interesting characters with Ancestor oracle. I don't think it is too bad.
I'm glad you like it. But for me the action choice limits or action failure chances are crippling. I can't imagine a build I'd like, where I'd be prepared to live within those restrictions. The powers I'd have to have to balance it for me, would be considered broken if used outside the build.

They do come up. But it also creates some interesting choices that certain characters can use well. My buddy made an oracle-monk multiclass of Irori. He tends to view his ancestors as providing good advice as to round to round tactics. So he tries to do the action his ancestors encourage for that round. He has built up his athletics where he is pretty good at tripping and the like when skill comes up.

I've seen that you can build an interesting and effective ancestors character. It's one of those classes where you should have a plan for all aspects of your character's abilities: casting, martial, and skills.

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The Witch had a lot of spectations being one of the most liked PF1 classes. People loved the Witch and as such when it failed to deliver on half of what the witch could do.... Yeah its not pretty.

Then there is the fact that people from other games also have their own view on what a Witch should do. And things get very disparate very fast.

Fun fact, a "White Witch" in the context of Golarion is a granddaughter of Baba Yaga. Which are usually Winter Witches, which are all about snow and ice. Makes sense so far, right? But then in PF2 Baba Yaga is a patron distinct from Winter. While Baba Yaga has "ice flavor" in her patron description, her patron abilitiy and hex spell is object related. But if you take Winter, you have Primal spells that do not fit the image of Witch. But then Winter Witch could from a list of Patrons, and still get ice "hexes" at level 1. Which you cannot do in PF2.

Yet after all that. People mentioning "white witch" in this thread are talking about healers and "non-harmful" witches.


P.S. Someone mentioned that some people wanted "PF1 power". Yeah no, you are missing the most important part of a PF1 witch. For people who don't know about PF1, guess how many hexes a witch got over 20 levels.

Its 11, 21 if you include feats. All of them at will, sometimes with a 1/day/target limit.

Squiggit wrote:
Watery Soup wrote:
That's why you're disappointed.

That's also why there's a problem.

Repeatedly telling people to temper their expectations, settle for what they've got because it's not that bad and make sure they're building it properly isn't necessarily bad advice, but it does more to highlight the problem than indicate there isn't one.

Exactly my thoughts Squiggit!! Telling me that its "not that bad" and highlighting the good - is making our point. Saying its not that bad also says its not that good too.

Temperans wrote:

Fun fact, a "White Witch" in the context of Golarion is a granddaughter of Baba Yaga. Which are usually Winter Witches, which are all about snow and ice. Makes sense so far, right? But then in PF2 Baba Yaga is a patron distinct from Winter. While Baba Yaga has "ice flavor" in her patron description, her patron abilitiy and hex spell is object related. But if you take Winter, you have Primal spells that do not fit the image of Witch. But then Winter Witch could from a list of Patrons, and still get ice "hexes" at level 1. Which you cannot do in PF2.

Yet after all that. People mentioning "white witch" in this thread are talking about healers and "non-harmful" witches.

Great point Temperans! I was afraid to mention color with any white but wasnt sure how to differentiate them - other than:

Life Witch (not just healing -follower of Mother Earth and enemy to all things undead. Not only healers but part cleric and druid - Good Alignment
Protector / Justicar Witch - protector and police of Witches - Primarily Lawful Neutral
Dark Witch - Destroyers - Primarily Evil alignment
Winter Witches like Baba yaga - Primarily Chaotic in nature (I believe)
Enchanter Witches - Create enchanted objects, potions, charms, stones and magic circles

I would like Paizo to do a beta for the witch next time and include people like yourself and me in that beta to help guide the class for the next revision or set of bonus material. It would be nice. In the end, you cant make everyone happy.

wegrata wrote:
breithauptclan wrote:
Watery Soup wrote:
So you don't build a witch perfectly - there's nothing wrong with that in PF2. In PF1, the gaps between optimized and unoptimized were huge; the gaps have closed in PF2. Play a divine witch if you want, it'll be mechanically worse than a cleric, but it will be fine.

It will be mechanically different than a Cleric. Better or worse depends on the rest of the party.

I think that is the problem that I see with people in analyzing the Witch. Witch is a very subtle class, not a big flashy powerful one. It takes a bit of coordination with the other characters in the party. And it takes some coordination with the GM on the theme for the game too.

Someone else was ragging on Flame Oracle earlier. How about a Fervor Witch with a Flame Oracle. Stoke the Heart on the Oracle (the bonus damage should apply to spell damage rolls too). Elemental Betrayal on an enemy the next round. That is going to be a very non-trivial amount of damage caused by a couple of focus spells that look weak when doing a whiteroom DPR calculation. Especially if the Oracle adds in Incendiary Aura and lights the Elemental Betrayal target on fire. Sure fire immunity exists, but every build can be countered. This particular build can be had as early as level 2. Not many things are immune to fire at level 2.

Are you talking multi-classing or 2 characters?

Going from sub-par to very strong with a single build or party composition is very limiting, especially thematically.

Yes, that is two characters. It might be possible using Oracle archetype to get all of that on one character, but not at level 2. I think dual class could do it by then, but those are OP characters anyway, not a standard character that I would use as an example here.

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Falantrius wrote:
The things that I am missing include:

This seems to be a re-post of what this thread was resurrected with, so I am guessing you want specific answers to these.

Falantrius wrote:
Ride Broom Feat - Being skilled at riding a flying animated broom created by a witch. Guide with Knees, Fight on Broom, etc.

You can create an animated broom, but it doesn't fly. Any feats to allow flying permanently have minimum character levels to keep them in line with the other permanent flight abilities of other classes. Maybe there will be some feats for this later. But no, there are none currently.

Falantrius wrote:
Witch Sense - Natural Ability for granting the witch the ability to detect other spell casters (witches, sorcerers and wizards) within 60 feet and via concentration getting an idea of how powerful they are.

Sounds like Recall Knowledge (society). That is what identifies and gives information about humaniod creatures. Bonus, it is INT based.

Falantrius wrote:
Predict Weather

Recall Knowledge (Nature) includes knowledge about weather.

Falantrius wrote:
Future Site - Fate Feat - allowing to see into momentarily into someones past of future. Brief use seeing 10 sec but concentrating using a focus item to create a ritual using something like a crystal ball to see further gaining only images of their future or past.

For stuff that is mechanically impactful (such as knowledge about the plot of the campaign) there is Augury. For things that are not mechanically impactful, just work with your GM to make it happen. That is what flavor is for.

Falantrius wrote:
List of Patrons is so limited - esp for someone wanting to go for the Occult like FATE which gives me TRUE STRIKE - are you kidding me! Is this the only option for a FATE Witch. I need more options for the granted spell for FATE or other FATE Patrons. Why not allow a choice with Patrons to select Nudge Fate, Guidance or Discern Secrets. Making the Granted Spell ONLY True Strike - a spell that does NOT help for a witch who doesn't attack.

You can homebrew your own Patrons. Cobble one together from the available pieces.

Also, True Strike does also affect spell attack rolls.

Falantrius wrote:
Circle magic - rituals that the witch can do that are defined (yes I read rituals but they are extremely under developed in my option).

That should get better with time. You can also homebrew your own.

Falantrius wrote:
Candle Magic - the ability to place spells in candles created and release the spell as it is burned - ending when the candle is fully burned out.

That sounds way too powerful to ever happen. You might look at Glyph of Warding to reskin to something similar.

Falantrius wrote:
Craft Charms - To both protect and benefit characters - including covering them with illusions, improving their abilities or protecting them from evil and other forces.

Sounds similar to Talismans.

Falantrius wrote:
Crafting seems totally setup for ARCANE expert casters only vs Expert OCCULT casters.

Not sure what you are meaning with this.

Falantrius wrote:
Rules for a Coven

Yes. Witch coven rules would be cool.

Falantrius wrote:
Types of Witches are differentiated well enough through the patrons.But the options are very limited for NON Occult witches.

Yes. This should get better with time.

Falantrius wrote:
Familiars - while I am good with Familiars and Patrons concept - I am not going to put more and more feats into a familiar. They are there to be friend, guide, spells mentor and protector when needed. A friend who holds your spells - but the witch gets so few feats that putting them into a familiar is just a waste. The familiar should advance on his own as the witches level increases. In my option as a witch increases in level - they should get a Familiar ability every couple levels as part of the class.

They do. At 6th, 12th, and 18th level.

Falantrius wrote:
A divine witch is NOT a Cleric - if they want a cleric play one but a divine witch or White Witch - should be defined as such - I think the problem there is there are a ton of things a white witch should be able to do that a cleric cannot - but those options are just not present in PF2. They need a Earth Mother Patron - that provides a Divine Spell List Patron Skill Nature who is focused around Life (not a Druid)

The granted skill needs to match the spellcasting tradition. Otherwise an inexperienced player might accidentally create a character that doesn't work correctly.

Other than that, here is what I have cobbled together. Tweak to your tastes.

Patron: Earth Mother
Spell List: Divine
Patron Skill: Religion
Hex Cantrip: Wilding Word
Granted Spell: Anticipate Peril

Falantrius wrote:
Life Witch (not just healing -follower of Mother Earth and enemy to all

From this and a few other things you have mentioned, I am also thinking of a primal witch with an archetype.

Wild Witch with Blessed One archetype would fit rather well. Lots of earth magic. Lay On Hands for both healing and fighting undead.

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Falantrius wrote:
Temperans wrote:

Fun fact, a "White Witch" in the context of Golarion is a granddaughter of Baba Yaga. Which are usually Winter Witches, which are all about snow and ice. Makes sense so far, right? But then in PF2 Baba Yaga is a patron distinct from Winter. While Baba Yaga has "ice flavor" in her patron description, her patron abilitiy and hex spell is object related. But if you take Winter, you have Primal spells that do not fit the image of Witch. But then Winter Witch could from a list of Patrons, and still get ice "hexes" at level 1. Which you cannot do in PF2.

Yet after all that. People mentioning "white witch" in this thread are talking about healers and "non-harmful" witches.

Great point Temperans! I was afraid to mention color with any white but wasnt sure how to differentiate them - other than:

Life Witch (not just healing -follower of Mother Earth and enemy to all things undead. Not only healers but part cleric and druid - Good Alignment
Protector / Justicar Witch - protector and police of Witches - Primarily Lawful Neutral
Dark Witch - Destroyers - Primarily Evil alignment
Winter Witches like Baba yaga - Primarily Chaotic in nature (I believe)
Enchanter Witches - Create enchanted objects, potions, charms, stones and magic circles

I would like Paizo to do a beta for the witch next time and include people like yourself and me in that beta to help guide the class for the next revision or set of bonus material. It would be nice. In the end, you cant make everyone happy.

Baba Yaga herself in PF1 was not a Winter Witch, but an NE Fate patron Witch. She was the plain ol' evil witch that would cook people, and even had child scent. Most of her spell fit the stereotypical evil witch, mostly curses and damage. The Fate patron did not give True Strike: Instead it gave things like Doom, Contingency, Wish, Anticipate Peril, Etc.

They already did the playtest and got the feedback. What we have is based on that feedback. I doubt they will do another rework. If they do, it won't be any time soon.

I don't think of witches in the category that you mentioned. To me those things are not what makes a witch. But I think it would be great if the Witch archetypes from PF1 can be one day used. I recommend giving them a read, they are really fun and flavorful.

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One issue that afflicts the witch, I think, is that "you are the best at familiars" is supposed to be part of the draw of the class and occupies some of the power budget, but it just doesn't seem that appealing.

For sure, familiars can be made useful, but if you come up with the concept first shopping for familiar abilities that are useful but don't contradict the concept is kind of a pain.

Silver Crusade

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PossibleCabbage wrote:

One issue that afflicts the witch, I think, is that "you are the best at familiars" is supposed to be part of the draw of the class and occupies some of the power budget, but it just doesn't seem that appealing.

For sure, familiars can be made useful, but if you come up with the concept first shopping for familiar abilities that are useful but don't contradict the concept is kind of a pain.

And the witch is only marginally better than the wizard anyway.

It would had been fun if Witch got the abilities of Beast-Bonded Archetype. Maybe also some of the other familiar focused archetypes.

But those are pretty much mostly flavor. The ability to avoid death using the Familiar is useful thou no?

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For readers of the thread wondering what can be done for Witches at their own tables, I'll just repost this. Haven't gotten any feedback for good or ill so I'm going to assume it's not objectionable ¯\_('v')_/¯

Alfa/Polaris wrote:

Just homebrew it, I say. Witches are perfectly playable and pretty understandably on the underpowered side, but that just means you probably won't break things too much if you mess with the power here and there.

Deadmanwalking's homebrew, which I will shill forever for its measured approach, offers some chassis upgrades to Witch and other extra-frail casters, alongside many other nice-to-haves and sensible boosts. Since it doesn't touch most of the hexes, I made some buff proposals for those which I will link despite being on the opposite end of the fanfare/polish spectrum.

Darksol's version of Evil Eye probably works fine too.

Horizon Hunters

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I wouldn't mind see a rework in this class. I'm not familiar with how paizo handles these issues and if there's ever been a rework on classes before. I've said it before, but the Witch class structure works Ok and it certainly has flavor in it, but that's just it Ok compared to any other preparer class it's easily overshadow. My fear is that with the arrival of SoM the distance between Witch and the other classes will only increase. The feats of this class are really nice in the roleplay part, but they drop a lot when you need to use them mechanically. With the trend towards new classes balancing between mechanical and flavor aspects like the new magus recharge mechanics or the future gunsliger reload the Witch class would need a boost to compete for attention against any other class.

is this something to worry about or am i just being paranoid? hahaha to be rework, or not to be rework? That is the question!

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

If Alchemist is anything to go by, they'll add some patches to classes that aren't working as intended as long as it's relatively minor.

Since the problems with Witch can be fairly easily addressed by new feats, class archetypes, new patrons, or a combination of those, I don't think we'll see a "rework" as the phrase is commonly used.

Liberty's Edge

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Almost literally no Witch that saw play in the first ed can faithfully be recreated in PF2, they lost all of their punch and utility being locked into just a couple Hexes even at max level.

Until they find a way to make more Hexes available to any given Witch (I'm sorry, one or two Hexes at most is not good enough) then I don't see anything substantially changing about my feelings on the Witch Class. It's like they overvalued the utility and benefits that the slightly improved Familiar has...

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Themetricsystem wrote:
Almost literally no Witch that saw play in the first ed can faithfully be recreated in PF2, they lost all of their punch and utility being locked into just a couple Hexes even at max level.

In fairness, this same situation played out for 1E witches as well. Evil Eye/Misfortune/Slumber/Cackle dominated the majority of witch builds, from what I recall.

Perpdepog wrote:
Themetricsystem wrote:
Almost literally no Witch that saw play in the first ed can faithfully be recreated in PF2, they lost all of their punch and utility being locked into just a couple Hexes even at max level.
In fairness, this same situation played out for 1E witches as well. Evil Eye/Misfortune/Slumber/Cackle dominated the majority of witch builds, from what I recall.

I mean, I wouldn't go that far. Those were just the most useful in all combats, which is why they were the most commonly taken. Other hexes were plenty strong and useful, just more niche like giving you water breathing, at will feather fall and flight at higher levels(and making you swim better, because you weigh the same as a duck of course.) Letting you use your hair to grapple people. These were all solid options.


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Themetricsystem wrote:
Almost literally no Witch that saw play in the first ed can faithfully be recreated in PF2

Isn't this also kind of true of other classes though and thus not necessary a bad thing?

Like the enormous majority PF1 swashbucklers got dex-to-damage via feats and thus didn't need much strength, while all PF2 swashbucklers value strength.

Almost every PF1 oracle had a curse that was basically never inconvenient, but now every oracle curses gets in the way sometimes.

We haven't seen secrets of magic yet but the standard finesse scimitar dex-to-damage with free metamagic on shocking grasp magus is almost certainly gone.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
WatersLethe wrote:

Since the problems with Witch can be fairly easily addressed by new feats, class archetypes, new patrons, or a combination of those, I don't think we'll see a "rework" as the phrase is commonly used.

I don't really agree. The witch's chassis doesn't really get fixed by those. New patrons can help, but only within the existing framework so they don't really address any concerns with the framework itself.

Feat based solutions are potentially the most effective, but also the most problematic as feats are a cornerstone of customization and class-agnostic feats are such a big part of the game. It's already a criticism I've seen mentioned more than once that Witches feel prohibitive to take archetypes on and doubling down on that isn't a good thing.

PossibleCabbage wrote:
Themetricsystem wrote:
Almost literally no Witch that saw play in the first ed can faithfully be recreated in PF2
Isn't this also kind of true of other classes though and thus not necessary a bad thing?

From a mechanical perspective, yes, depending on how tightly you hew to it.

But I think it's still fair to say that there's a bit lost in translation for the PF2 witch. Arguably some of its most defining features in PF1 were its arsenal of unique at-will magical powers and the eclectic collection of spells at its disposal and those features are largely gone in PF2, with only one hex cantrip that also has use and target limits, especially problematic if you have a more situational hex.

Lessons can admittedly get you some off-list spells, though (patrons generally don't, except for the rare one).

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Squiggit wrote:
It's already a criticism I've seen mentioned more than once that Witches feel prohibitive to take archetypes on

Not sure that I agree with this. Level 2 Basic Lesson is usually too powerful to pass up. But Level 4 is wide open.

If you are going for Hexes, that will fill up the level 6, 10, and 12 feat slots with Lessons and Hex Focus. Probably the level 18 for Hex Wellspring. But like has been mentioned, the Hexes aren't overpowering. So that might not be the direction that a player wants to build in.

Similarly for familiar. There are really good 4th, 8th, and 12th level familiar feats for a player wanting to go that route. But it doesn't make sense for all character builds.

So yeah, if you are building a Witch with as many hexes as you can get your hands on and a super powerful familiar, there isn't room for much else. But that isn't a problem unique to Witch.

My favorite Witch character has only Lesson of Life and has put the 4th, and 6th level feats into Alchemist multiclass.

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I prefer a witch rework / APG errata power boost over fixes through additional witch options. If later books provide stronger witch patrons / feats / focus spells, then it just obsoletes every option in the APG. I prefer build choices to be similar in power level but different in flavor, regardless of where the choice is printed. Currently, I think the APG witch's options are weak, and any future options that are balanced around the current witch will thus also be weak.

Though I'm not a Paizo designer and I have no true insight in the matter, I imagine the reason the PF1e fighter / rogue / monk's late-ness in getting up-to-par options with the other classes is largely due to many options being balanced around their original core-rulebook power level. I'd prefer the PF2e witch to not follow that history.

I'm running Extinction Curse and one of my players is playing an occult witch. The only reason the character isn't dead is a combination of defensive spells and the fact that the other players love the character and are constantly protecting him.
That said, the character has missed a bunch of witch feats to take the ritualist archetype. I'm bending over backward to make this character useful besides great roleplaying by the player. Hoping higher levels pay off.
The game really needs some stronger occult magic. Looking at you secrets of magic...

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Squiggit wrote:
But I think it's still fair to say that there's a bit lost in translation for the PF2 witch. Arguably some of its most defining features in PF1 were its arsenal of unique at-will magical powers and the eclectic collection of spells at its disposal and those features are largely gone in PF2, with only one hex cantrip that also has use and target limits, especially problematic if you have a more situational hex.

I think the issue is less that "the witch has changed from PF1" (which is a thing that's going to happen to many classs, and will sometimes be a good thing) and more that "the witch class itself is a bit underbaked."

Like I keep coming back to comparing the occult witch to the bard, in that the witch gets exactly one focus cantrip at first level (much like the bard) the bard basically has the option to get another one every time they get a class feat and can even bypass muse requirements with a feat. So I fundamentally don't see why hex cantrips are so limited.

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Joe Hex wrote:
The game really needs some stronger occult magic.

What?!? Occult is the second largest and second strongest of all magic Traditions. Arcane is the best for its pure flexibility but unless you're constantly fighting stuff with reflex save as its only weakness, Occult is absolutely amazing.


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Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I’d say occult is the best list. It’s focuses are in what the game wants magic to do (buffs and debuffs) but it also has healing and even damage if you want it. Reflex isn’t really a problem - blast spells are kind of bad anyway, AoE incapacitation spells (sleep 4, calm emotions, etc.) are much better at doing what blast spells want to do, and occult has a very strong reflex targetting debuff in Resilient Sphere. The only thing I really miss from Arcane is wall spells - most other juicy things you can get with Trick Magic Item and a wand (e.g. longstrider, contingency).

The edge it has over arcane (to me) is the inbuilt decent healing spell in Soothe. Arcane is going to struggle to get a good combat healing spell, although the edge in that regard is pretty minor - just enough to push it slightly over arcane in my opinion.

Both are much better than primal/divine though.

Exocist wrote:

I’d say occult is the best list. It’s focuses are in what the game wants magic to do (buffs and debuffs) but it also has healing and even damage if you want it. Reflex isn’t really a problem - blast spells are kind of bad anyway, AoE incapacitation spells (sleep 4, calm emotions, etc.) are much better at doing what blast spells want to do, and occult has a very strong reflex targetting debuff in Resilient Sphere. The only thing I really miss from Arcane is wall spells - most other juicy things you can get with Trick Magic Item and a wand (e.g. longstrider, contingency).

The edge it has over arcane (to me) is the inbuilt decent healing spell in Soothe. Arcane is going to struggle to get a good combat healing spell, although the edge in that regard is pretty minor - just enough to push it slightly over arcane in my opinion.

Both are much better than primal/divine though.

I like blast spells in 2e. A lot of late-game monsters have reflex as lowest save. Their AoE tends to be big enough to cover a lot of layouts. IMO sleep / calm emotions / resilient sphere work kind-of okay in early game, but taper off mid-game or late game. Sleep and calm emotions both have small AoEs, and creatures with an area attack can wake up all their companions in a few actions (more common in mid-game / late-game). Resilient sphere doesn't have a heightening clause, and a lot of low-reflex monsters are huge or bigger, thus not fitting in the sphere.

IMO what makes occult the best spell is singularly synesthesia. That spell works in so many encounters and is extremely powerful even on a standard success. It's honestly broken.

I think divine is the weakest tradition. Arcane has a good balance of spells and the power words. Primal also has a good balance, access to heal, and competent polymorphs, which go well with a d8 health pool class. Divine has... heal, bless/heroism, summon celestial for inspire courage, divine aura. Divine casters can do stuff and help, but there's just not much in the divine list that's both unique and strong.

Edit: Perhaps the saving grace of the divine tradition is that both divine caster classes (cleric / oracle) have ways of poaching spells from other traditions.

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PossibleCabbage wrote:
Squiggit wrote:
But I think it's still fair to say that there's a bit lost in translation for the PF2 witch. Arguably some of its most defining features in PF1 were its arsenal of unique at-will magical powers and the eclectic collection of spells at its disposal and those features are largely gone in PF2, with only one hex cantrip that also has use and target limits, especially problematic if you have a more situational hex.

I think the issue is less that "the witch has changed from PF1" (which is a thing that's going to happen to many classs, and will sometimes be a good thing) and more that "the witch class itself is a bit underbaked."

Like I keep coming back to comparing the occult witch to the bard, in that the witch gets exactly one focus cantrip at first level (much like the bard) the bard basically has the option to get another one every time they get a class feat and can even bypass muse requirements with a feat. So I fundamentally don't see why hex cantrips are so limited.

Agreed. When compared to the Bard the Witch is just bad. When compared to the Wizard its just a Familar Wizard with better focus spells. When compared to the Cleric it has nothing special. When compared to the Druid, well it just doesn't. Even Sorcerer the other Pick a list spontaneous caster is more cohesive and able to find their place.

I remember that the playtest version was even worse given that it didn't even have the at will hex.

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