Soul Chain suggestions? **Spoilers obviously**

Age of Ashes

Dark Archive

My party just killed the forge-spurned in Fires. They were 6, so I put two in there and gave them the weak adjustment. Went pretty well overall - the champion wound up by himself and almost dying, but otherwise, it wasn't too tough of a fight. They then totally bombed their Religion checks to know what was going on with the chains, so two party members took them to use. One made her save that night, but the other crit failed - initial roll was a fail, used a hero point to reroll, got a nat 1.

I'm not sure what to do to get them out of him turning into a forge-spurned. Any suggestions for an interesting quest or some other way of saving him? Player is pretty flexible - he's up for keeping or letting the character die, but I need to give him time to create a new 13th level character if he dies (we play Tuesday nights).

I debated letting him turn into a forge-spurned but keep his wits as they are intelligent, but that seems massively powerful, even if I give him a strong drawback like needing to make a will save every time someone near him dies or go into a mindless rage, attacking everyone around him.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Probably too late to help your game, but I would go with the rules as-is. The PC failed and then critically failed a saving throw. Add to that the failed religion check and that is three times the PC failed. There should be consequences for that.

I'd talk to my player and see if they wanted to roll up a new character or have their current character become a playable forge-spurned with some serious modifications.

Dark Archive

No worries at all. I talked to the player ahead of the session - he totally understood and rolled up a new character. They were sitting down to dinner in a tavern, his old character turned into the forgespurned there and his new character stepped in to help out with the resulting combat.

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