Order 36325289 - January Subscription Shipping Charges

Customer Service


Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

My order (36325289) just ran payment auths and is more than 4x the shipping estimate from order generation because it's been split into 4 separate shipments for 4 items instead of the 'cheapest possible' shipping that it should be set to. It also ran 8 separate payment authorizations - one for each item and shipping charge - which is what tipped me off to something being weird. The order generation estimated ~$7 and now it's ~$30.

Customer Service Representative

AshenShade wrote:
My order (36325289) just ran payment auths and is more than 4x the shipping estimate from order generation because it's been split into 4 separate shipments for 4 items instead of the 'cheapest possible' shipping that it should be set to. It also ran 8 separate payment authorizations - one for each item and shipping charge - which is what tipped me off to something being weird. The order generation estimated ~$7 and now it's ~$30.

Hi AshenShade!

I am so sorry for the mix up on the shipping costs. I went ahead and updated the shipping to the cheapest available option, which will also allow it to ship together in 1 package. You should be receiving an updated email confirmation for the order here shortly as well. Please let me know if I can assist you further :)

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