The Archives of Nethys |
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Happy holidays everyone! We come to you late this December month with a few new sections to the site and other improvements. The full list of changes is below, along with a number of unlisted bug fixes and minor changes that the Archives team has been hard at work in correcting, so huge thanks to them for their efforts! We're still making improvements as time allows, so more updates will be coming in the future!
We hope you enjoy the new update and have a happy new year!
Site Updates
- The search engine has been updated using design and code from the 2E site. Results will now sort by order of relevance, exact matches will be called out up top, and we've made some overall improvements to the speed of the engine. Please be aware there is one known bug we're still working on correcting (due to changes in the architecture between our 1e and 2e databases). As a result, you will sometimes see the same result duplicated in a given search category (Races is a common one). We'll have this fixed soon, but if you spot other bugs please let us know (with as much detail as possible) on our Discord aon-feedback channels!
- New GM Screen section added to the Rules, containing a number of useful rules all in one place (thanks to Devin for all the data entry and setup assistance!). If you have suggestions for other sections that would be handy, please let us know!
- All page headers adjusted to show specific details first, general last.
- Metatags added to every page to improve search engine recognition and show more details when a page is linked on certain services (such as Discord).