3 - Deceivers' Moon (GM Reference)

The Threefold Conspiracy

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

This is intended to be a spoiler-filled resource thread (as in other AP subforums) for GMs running book 3 of The Threefold Conspiracy Adventure Path, "Deceivers' Moon."

All GM threads in this series:

1 - The Chimera Mystery
2 - Flight of the Sleepers
3 - Deceivers' Moon
4 - The Hollow Cabal
5 - The Cradle Infestation
6 - Puppets Without Strings

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Thanks for setting these up! I'm preparing book 3 right now and will make sure I post here if I have any questions.

What happens when reptoids die? Do they revert to their natural form, like lycanthropes in Pathfinder? Do they stay in their chosen shape indefinitely? Or is it up to the GM to decide?

Nullpunkt wrote:
What happens when reptoids die? Do they revert to their natural form, like lycanthropes in Pathfinder? Do they stay in their chosen shape indefinitely? Or is it up to the GM to decide?

Book 6 seems to confirm that their form reverts. I've been using it since my party's first battles with Reptoids in Book 3. "Oh, look, our hunch was right," they got to say.

Thanks, that clears it up! I am not sure if my players will have actually figured out what's going on by the time they face Jox. Seeing his true form might answer a lot of questions for them.

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Also, I just found this in The Insidious Reptoids in the Backmatter:

"[...] when Kluss's features changed to become reptilian upon death".

Who knew information on reptoids could be found in the article in reptoids.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

anyone have any hints with how to run the base and the escape?

That part is definitely a bit tricky and it strongly depends on your group and how much real world time you want that part to take.

My group meets for short sessions and I decided to keep things on a tight schedule. It helps tha players also often expect events to drive the story onward and usually don't seize the initiative, like breaking into the secure area of the station.

I mostly narrated the few days they spend in captivity, giving them several opportunities to take charge and "zoom in" or start acting on a smaller time scale. We roleplayed some conversations with the mercs to help motivate later events. I also followed the advice regarding the "montage" technique of the interrogations.

All in all, it worked pretty well for us that way. The whole bit took 2 sessions of about three hours, I believe.

But as I said, other groups might want to take more initiative, go through events at slower pace, explore more. Really depends on your players' preferred style.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Nullpunkt wrote:

That part is definitely a bit tricky and it strongly depends on your group and how much real world time you want that part to take.

My group meets for short sessions and I decided to keep things on a tight schedule. It helps tha players also often expect events to drive the story onward and usually don't seize the initiative, like breaking into the secure area of the station.

I mostly narrated the few days they spend in captivity, giving them several opportunities to take charge and "zoom in" or start acting on a smaller time scale. We roleplayed some conversations with the mercs to help motivate later events. I also followed the advice regarding the "montage" technique of the interrogations.

All in all, it worked pretty well for us that way. The whole bit took 2 sessions of about three hours, I believe.

But as I said, other groups might want to take more initiative, go through events at slower pace, explore more. Really depends on your players' preferred style.

my group is… I dunno. Great guys.

I really need to dive deep into the section… I don’t want it to take 6 hours, but it will take as long as it takes.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So... the Steward base has fallen.

Despite my epic misreading of the text [i found it quite confusing] the Sleepers staved off what was an almost certain TPK.

I mistakenly threw almost all of the named NPCs at them all at once [well, i added the Insepctor 2 rounds later], and that was... a mistake.

The way to do it, i think is to throw the Narla and Shez, with a few of the mooks at them during the break-in. After the explosion, when they are rummaging through the base, have the Inspector and a few surviving mooks encounter them.

The Inspector is just a straight up melee monster.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

word of advice, don't expect your ace pilot to make all his driving checks. oh, and for funzies, don't allow anyone to help with the cliff. let that one player, who gets to have the most fun in starship combat, be the one to destroy the hovertruck and kill another PC.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

so... almost finished book 3 last night.

the tyrkalis reptoid is supposed to come out with full auto... and they didn't give him a full auto gun.

i used the one they gave him anyway, but... any suggestions for what the gun should be?

Thanks for all the comments so far. My group is diving into Tyrkalis Base this evening and I'm a little nervous about how it's all going to go, especially with the debriefing interviews, but I have faith in my players to make it smooth. It does seem like I will want to stagger the encounters once they are behind the secured area. There are a lot of tough NPC's. We'll see. Thanks!


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Marux wrote:
Thanks for all the comments so far. My group is diving into Tyrkalis Base this evening and I'm a little nervous about how it's all going to go, especially with the debriefing interviews, but I have faith in my players to make it smooth. It does seem like I will want to stagger the encounters once they are behind the secured area. There are a lot of tough NPC's. We'll see. Thanks!

i ran the interrogations as they were described in the books, and the players liked it. start off easy, and then got harder, and was just blasting them with accusations by the end of Day 2.

For Day 3, none of them could remember the debriefings... wonder why...


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Did anybody do ANYTHING interesting with the reptoid prisoner?

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