What to do about there being no horses on the Isle of Kortos?


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Guide to Absalom wrote:
Horses are not present on the Isle of Kortos, since the centaurs regard them as invaders and the harpies like to eat them, so most farmers, merchants and nobles on the island use camels or axe beaks.

What should I, as GM, do about player characters who have horse animal companions, such as a player of a druid or champion?

Should an NPC warn them of the potential dangers of taking such creatures upon the Isle? Should it be a strict law?

Should I have an impromptu encounter against centaurs and/or harpies should they decide to take their horses despite the warnings?

I'm wondering how best to handle it when it's a class ability, and not just a horse.

Scarab Sages

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NPCs should definately warn them or at least stare at the unusual sight. Any Centaurs or Harpies are more likely to be Unfriendly or Hostile, but I don't think it's strict law.

Liberty's Edge

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Yeah, I'd warn them OOC if this comes up during character creation, or have NPCs do so if it comes up during play. And have centaurs less friendly (one or two starting attitudes worse in regards to the whole party) while harpies (who are already usually hostile) target the horse first.

It doesn't seem to be illegal, just generally a bad idea.

Scarab Sages

Deadmanwalking wrote:

Yeah, I'd warn them OOC if this comes up during character creation, or have NPCs do so if it comes up during play. And have centaurs less friendly (one or two starting attitudes worse in regards to the whole party) while harpies (who are already usually hostile) target the horse first.

It doesn't seem to be illegal, just generally a bad idea.

Should the harpies target the horse first? Even though harpies like eating horses surely not the extent of ignoring dangerous people around them?

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Maybe the Harpies focus on crowd controlling the rest of the group, but actually killing the horse? i.e. knock the rider off the horse, grapple the party members... hey maybe even crowd control the horse, too, grab it by the bridle and try to lead it away from the party (I imagine that would require a crit success at Nature to Handle Animal to wrest control of the horse from the controlling player... and it would represent just as much of a "shove" sort of action as "give direction to" sort of action.

Liberty's Edge

NECR0G1ANT wrote:
Should the harpies target the horse first? Even though harpies like eating horses surely not the extent of ignoring dangerous people around them?

Depends on context, but remember that harpies are, in fact, pretty stupid. With an average Int Mod of -1, some poor tactical choices are probably fine. I wouldn't expect them to keep exclusively attacking the horse while the fall like flies, but attacking it first (from ambush, for example, or just if they win initiative) seems very reasonable.

Why would intelligent centaurs consider animal-intelligent horses invaders?

Liberty's Edge

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tuffnoogies wrote:
Why would intelligent centaurs consider animal-intelligent horses invaders?

Competition for resources maybe? There's only so much land, especially on an island, and wild horses would probably try to compete for territory with the centaurs.

Or maybe they're just weirded out by something that looks like their bottom half but isn't intelligent. I know I've seen some messed up 'reverse mermaid' pictures and the like, and the idea of dealing with something like that in real life is pretty deeply uncomfortable.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
tuffnoogies wrote:
Why would intelligent centaurs consider animal-intelligent horses invaders?

Because they take up all their jobs for less pay, perhaps? :P

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