Create Undead question

Rules Discussion

In the Critical Success section of Create Undead is says that you can have a maximum of 4 minions under your control. Is this solely applied to minions from Create Undead, or is this all minions from any source?

Also: why 4? It seems like 3 would make more sense, since it takes an action to command a minion and you only have 3 actions.

Since the minion trait doesn't say anything about a limit, I'm inclined to say you can usually have as many minions as you want and the 4 is the limit for minions created by the ritual.

If you have more than 3 minions, you simply can't control them all in the same turn.

Yeah, 4 is to create a practical limit I guess but you can only control 3 at a time.

I guess if you have 4 then 1 of them is always waiting around. Depending on the combat it may be useful to have an extra guy waiting in the back.

Follow-up: the minions would have a static level, correct? They wouldn’t go up in level when the creator would?

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SOLDIER-1st wrote:
Follow-up: the minions would have a static level, correct? They wouldn’t go up in level when the creator would?

That's correct, yup.

I would also interpret the line in the ritual meaning you could only have four minions period, but I'll also freely admit that I'm biased. My first ever game I tried to run, PF1E, ended up being a mionfest and keeping track of all of them became an abject nightmare. It left scars.

Perpdepog wrote:
SOLDIER-1st wrote:
Follow-up: the minions would have a static level, correct? They wouldn’t go up in level when the creator would?

That's correct, yup.

I would also interpret the line in the ritual meaning you could only have four minions period, but I'll also freely admit that I'm biased. My first ever game I tried to run, PF1E, ended up being a mionfest and keeping track of all of them became an abject nightmare. It left scars.

Even if it didn't, they'd end up in a pretty difficult situation trying to herd them. If the caster creates more than 3 undead, they have to spend all their actions making their undead move, not moving themselves, and leaving their excess undead to do nothing.

I guess each time a player tried to move from one location to another they could load them all up in a cart. But when they need them now they have to get them out of the cart, and can only do 3.

Doesn't seem very effective to me.

Claxon wrote:
Perpdepog wrote:
SOLDIER-1st wrote:
Follow-up: the minions would have a static level, correct? They wouldn’t go up in level when the creator would?

That's correct, yup.

I would also interpret the line in the ritual meaning you could only have four minions period, but I'll also freely admit that I'm biased. My first ever game I tried to run, PF1E, ended up being a mionfest and keeping track of all of them became an abject nightmare. It left scars.

Even if it didn't, they'd end up in a pretty difficult situation trying to herd them. If the caster creates more than 3 undead, they have to spend all their actions making their undead move, not moving themselves, and leaving their excess undead to do nothing.

I guess each time a player tried to move from one location to another they could load them all up in a cart. But when they need them now they have to get them out of the cart, and can only do 3.

Doesn't seem very effective to me.

That's where Animate Objects is our friend. We animate a carte, then use the actions to control our biggest, burliest undead and the cart.

Have the cart roll around scooping up our other minions who are standing around stupidly like a bunch of stupid guys, and have the two beefy undead throwing the remainder into the back. (Technically they could just carry them but that is considerably less amusing.)

BAM! Minion convoy.

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