Unique Divine Artifact: Catalystic Cube

Homebrew and House Rules

Hello everyone.

I got an idea of an interesting artifact that I want to put into my campaign at some point, but I need some help balancing it out. If you have any suggestions please let me know. This is kind of a long post and I hope that doesn't deter anyone from reading it further.

[Unique] [Artifact] [Magical] [Chaotic] [Divine]
This cube is made from indestructible stone of an unknown origin. On each of its six faces is a slot for a removable face. Once handled by someone touched by a deity, it is bound to that person until they expire. The cube can only be activated once every 1d10 rounds in combat, or once per minute out of combat. After activation the cube teleports to its bound partner. The faces can be switched out by performing a 10 minute ritual on the cube when you have an extra face that is not bound to the cube.

ACTIVATION [Interact [1-Action]] Roll a d6 with the numbers corresponding to the different faces of the cube. The rolled number is the effect that is activated. If you roll a number without a face there is no effect.


Tradition Semblance | Level: 2 wrote:
You cast the Tradition cantrip stored within the face of the cube, heightened as a cantrip would be for your level.
School Semblance | Level: 2 wrote:
You cast the School cantrip stored within the face of the cube, heightened as a cantrip would be for your level.
Skill Semblance | Level: 2 wrote:
The face turns to energy and surrounds you, granting you a +2 status bonus to Skill for 2 rounds. If you roll a critical failure, you get a failure instead. (This is a fortune effect.)
Lucky Semblance | Level: 3 wrote:
You gain a +2 bonus to a d20 roll of your choice within the next 1 minute. Increase the success level of this roll by 1, up to a maximum of a success (e.g. critical failure to failure, failure to success). (This is a fortune effect)
Movement Semblance | Level:3 wrote:
Increase your Movement by +10ft, or if you do not have a Movement speed, you gain a 20ft Movement speed. This effect lasts for up to 10 minutes.
Weapon Calling | Level: 2-10 wrote:
The cube changes shape into a Weapon and returns to its bound partner. The Weapon lasts for 1 minute or until reaching its BT. Initially it'll have no runes on it, but as you gain in power the GM may add runes to it that are equivalent to your level. Ranged weapons take an action to materialize more ammunition.
Armor Calling | Level: 2-10 wrote:
The cube changes shape into a Armor and equips to its bound partner as long as they are not wearing armor. The Armor lasts for 1 minute or until reaching its BT. Initially it'll have no runes on it, but as you gain in power the GM may add runes to it that are equivalent to your level.
Shield Calling | Level: 2-10 wrote:
The cube changes shape into a Shield and equips to its bound partner as long as they are not wearing a shield. The Shield lasts for 1 minute or until reaching its BT. Initially it'll have no runes on it, but as you gain in power the GM may add runes to it that are equivalent to your level.
Treasure Chest | Level: 1-11 wrote:

The cube transforms into a chest that can hold X bulk of items in an extradimensional space, functioning like a bag of holding. Once you close the chest, it reverts back to the cube.

Type: I Level: 1 Capacity: 5 Bulk
Type: II Level: 4 Capacity: 25 Bulk
Type: III Level: 7 Capacity: 50 Bulk
Type: IV Level: 11 Capacity: 100 Bulk
Divine Guardian | Level: 5 wrote:

The cube changes shape into a similar shape to a Hound Archon as if summoned by the cube, except with the following changes:

1. It has the construct trait and does not have a greatsword.
2. It cannot use the Change Shape ability, and cannot communicate.
3. It only lasts for 1 minute in combat, or 1 hour outside of combat.
4. It is fully in the shape of a hound of medium size.
5. It has the minion trait and will attempt to follow your orders as best as it can when you spend an action to give it a command.
Divine Avatar | Level: 20 wrote:
You cast the Avatar spell on yourself, taking the shape associated with your deity. This lasts for up to 1 minute and cannot be reused for 24 hours.

Forgot to add a descriptor:

The italicized words refer to a word that is replaced by a specifics of the face's effect (e.g. Tradition Semblance becomes Acid Splash Semblance, or Weapon Calling becomes Longsword Calling.)

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