Cloud array concealement

Nanocyte Class

"At 7th level, it can fill two additional squares and any miss chance
the cloud provides increases to 20%. At 11th level, the cloud fills up to
a number of contiguous squares equal to 1 plus twice your Constitution
modifier. At 15th level, when you use a nanite surge while forming the
cloud array, the cloud instead provides normal concealment"

I was wondering what is normal concealement ? Because at level 7 you'v got 20% miss chance but a normal concealment isn't it 20% and a total one 50% ?

Concealment is a 20% miss chance, but not every 20% miss chance is concealment.

In other words : some things, effects and others depend on whether you have concealment or not.
An easy example is Stealth : to hide, one usually needs either cover or concealment. A level 14 cloud wouldn't be enough, but a level 15 one would.
It's a bit subtle, but there's a few of those cases.

"Interestingly", that makes this particular upgrade a bit of a double edged sword, because there's also more than a few things that work against concealment specifically.

Ok thanks for the answer. I was too subtle for me.
Oh, I see like "blast" weapon.

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