Cult of Cinders and Cozy Cabin

Age of Ashes

I realize we're a slow group, just now getting to the hexploration part of Cult of Cinders, but while to module mentions a number of higher level spells that could trivialize the camping elements, it seems the APG released Cozy Cabin, which would also seem to trivialize everything at a level the players can hit.

We did a quick table meeting and agreed it'd be more fun to pretend that spell doesn't exist, especially given the side bar in the mod, but has anyone else run into this? Did it drastically alter the feel of the game?

Liberty's Edge

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Does your party even have any non-spontaneous Arcane or Occult casters?

I'm just about to start running this campaign, and am doubtful the Sorcerer (our only Arcane or Occult caster) will invest a spell into this, so I'm not super worried. It seems like a non-issue in a lot of parties.

For, say, a Wizard who wanted to make the investment I'd absolutely allow this to work as printed (at least mostly). It wouldn't prevent being ambushed in the night or anything, but should eliminate the dangers of disease and the like, at least per the sidebar (in reality, it wouldn't help with dysentery at all since it doesn't come with a water or food source, though it might with malaria...maybe go with that if you want it to not trivialize things).

Shadow Lodge

This hexcrawl goes on far, far, far too long, so i wouldn't worry about camping being trivialized: If your GM isn't hand-waiving at least some of the hazards away by the time you get halfway through, you might have a bit of a sadist on your hands...

My group is slogging through, and yeah, since they're in the midst of storming the mine, I'm hand-waving the camping. Mainly since our wizard does have Cozy Cabin, but also since each encounter is...not gentle.

The Exchange

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Taja the Barbarian wrote:

This hexcrawl goes on far, far, far too long, so i wouldn't worry about camping being trivialized: If your GM isn't hand-waiving at least some of the hazards away by the time you get halfway through, you might have a bit of a sadist on your hands...

Once I managed to give a character malaria, I literally told my players I was bored of paying attention to the camping rules, and they should just roll every day and not get a 1.

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