So, last night my party ended up in an unfortunate situation where they managed to stumble across the mine during Hexploration while underleveled, and they scouted the place out while invisible and one of them came up with a plan to poison their food stores with arsenic. Which did a number on the lower level critters, but still left a pretty unaffected Hezle and Butcher squad, which promptly forced them to flee.
But the thing that I kept coming back to was how high the numbers were for the butchers, so I tried to reverse engineer them, and it feels like they're a bit off for level 6 monsters.
The Bida earlier on is a level 8 monster with the same +20 to hit, and even if I'm assuming that the butchers are a level 6 fighter with 20 strength and a +1 would be 6 (master) + 6 (level) + 5 (strength) + 1 (item) = 18, and given they are raging like barbarians, 16 seems more appropriate. Did anyone else notice these monsters fighting above their weightclass?