So what's been released of Second Edition?

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

I'm trying to make a list of everything I'm still missing from my Pathfinder collection, and I'm trying to figure out just what's been released for Second Edition as far as Campaign Settings and Adventure Paths and that kind of thing. I click on the Second Edition listing and all it gives me are the rulebooks- is there anywhere where it says "hey, these books here are for First Edition and these are for Second Edition"?

It gets kind of confusing because right now, everything's all mashed together in the same listings and I don't know what's compatible with what...

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Off the top of my head, not counting Society stuff...

Core Rulebook
Bestiary 2
Gamemastery Guide
Advanced Player's Guide

Lost Omens: World Guide
Lost Omens: Character Guide
Lost Omens: Gods and Magic
Lost Omens: Legends

Fall of Plaguestone
The Slithering
Age of Ashes Books 1-6
Extinction Curse Books 1-6
Agents of Edgewatch Books 1-3

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Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
JaysonFour wrote:

I'm trying to make a list of everything I'm still missing from my Pathfinder collection, and I'm trying to figure out just what's been released for Second Edition as far as Campaign Settings and Adventure Paths and that kind of thing. I click on the Second Edition listing and all it gives me are the rulebooks- is there anywhere where it says "hey, these books here are for First Edition and these are for Second Edition"?

It gets kind of confusing because right now, everything's all mashed together in the same listings and I don't know what's compatible with what...

Looks like Salamileg got it pretty much covered. But this link should continue to be a pretty good reference for you, broken down by what sort of book/other source they are. It will only cover things published that have rules elements in them, but so far (and I suspect forever) 2e books should have rules elements in them :)

It's a link from the officially sanctioned pathfinder reference website Archives of Nethys, which is an excellent resources for rules. 10/10, would recommend.

Awesome, that's exactly what I was hoping for!

I was figuring it was Age of Ashes and onwards as far as the Adventure Paths, but I wanted to doublecheck- I really wish they were all labeled like the Rulebooks are so they'd come up in the sorting function...

I think as far as PFS stuff goes they started a whole new series of modules and scenarios and things for Second Edition as well, but I'll wander over there and check (gotta grab the new handbooks and stuff for that, too).

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