Haste and Blessing of Fervor combo

Rules Questions

BoF specially says, "Blessings of Fervor does not stack with Haste"...but what are the actual ramifications about this statement?

If you have both spells on a target, and they choose the "+2 to attack, dodge, and reflex saves" options on their turn, I get that they would only get the +2 to Attack/Dodge/Reflex and not +3 (since they wouldn't get the +1 from haste for these).

But what about the extra attack given on a full round attack by Haste? They still get that right? So isn't that basically "half the benefit of Haste, and all the benefit of Bof"? And if so, isn't that essentially "stacking" the two spells?

It came up last night in our session and no one could really say the definitive "right" way to play the situation.


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Xavram5 wrote:

isn't that essentially "stacking" the two spells?


«Stacking» in Pathfinder refers to (near-)identical effects from different sources. A bonus to saves and an extra attack are not similar hence benefiting from both isn't what Pathfinder calls stacking.

The Exchange

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"Stacking" in Pathfinder refers to bonuses, not to the sources. Both spells can be in effect on the same target at once, but the benefits do not stack. Normally untyped and dodge bonuses stack but the wording of blessing of fervor explicitly prevents the attack, AC, and Reflex bonuses from stacking with haste.

If you have haste and choose the "extra attack" benefit of blessing of fervor, you only get one extra attack total. (So you're not really getting any benefit from blessing of fervor.)

If you have haste and choose the "cast an extended 2nd level or lower spell," benefit of blessing of fervor you get to extend a spell (and all the benefits of haste.)

If you have haste and choose the "+2 to attack, dodge, and reflex saves" of blessing of fervor you take the better of the benefits only. So a total of +2 bonus to attack rolls, +2 dodge bonus to AC and to Reflex Saves, +30' enhancement bonus to speed, and an extra attack when making a full attack.

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Got it, that's how we played it...just wanted to make sure its nailed down right.

We play on VTT that handles a lot of the rules automatically, so I need to tweak the code so it doesn't "double stack" these bonuses.

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