Would a Circlet of Persuasion help a leader in Kingmaker?


Circlet of Persuasion


Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th

Slot head; Price 4,500 gp; Weight —


This silver headband grants a +3 competence bonus on the wearer's Charisma-based checks.


Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, eagle's splendor; Cost 2,250 gp

since it adds to Charisma based checks it seems like any leaders making CHA checks should benefit right?

On that note, could a leader benefit from multiple castings of stat buffs for a similar Effect?
Say during the week they are "home" could X number of castings of Eagle's Splendor or Bull's Str, or Fox's cunning, etc Add to the roll?

IMC I would argue no, but I try to keep it purely to modifiers only, although I can see scope for why it could be argued yes

I don't see why the Circet wouldn't work, so I'd say yes.

As for spells, they will work, if you maintain the spells for at least 8 hours per day. That means if anything happens during a 'normal work day', like a kingdom event, those spell slots will be used up. So it's beyond the resources of a low level (<8) party, and by then they would probably have items than increase their key stat already, so castings would not give much, if any, benefit.

Grand Lodge

Old Drake wrote:

I don't see why the Circet wouldn't work, so I'd say yes.

As for spells, they will work, if you maintain the spells for at least 8 hours per day. That means if anything happens during a 'normal work day', like a kingdom event, those spell slots will be used up. So it's beyond the resources of a low level (<8) party, and by then they would probably have items than increase their key stat already, so castings would not give much, if any, benefit.


I'd say no. A Control DC is more in line with a Save than a Check (for instance '1' is an auto-fail, which is not the case with a check. Further, it is not a 'Charisma-based Roll', Charisma is just one part of the components of the roll, and an increasingly small part as the Kingdom gets larger and it is overshadowed by modifiers from Buildings.

Ramarren wrote:

I'd say no. A Control DC is more in line with a Save than a Check (for instance '1' is an auto-fail, which is not the case with a check. Further, it is not a 'Charisma-based Roll', Charisma is just one part of the components of the roll, and an increasingly small part as the Kingdom gets larger and it is overshadowed by modifiers from Buildings.

Although, a leader should find himself making a multitude of Charisma based skill checks on a regular basis that have nothing to do with Kingdom Rounds.

A Circlet of Persuasion would certainly help with these.

Grand Lodge

Quantum Steve wrote:
Ramarren wrote:

I'd say no. A Control DC is more in line with a Save than a Check (for instance '1' is an auto-fail, which is not the case with a check. Further, it is not a 'Charisma-based Roll', Charisma is just one part of the components of the roll, and an increasingly small part as the Kingdom gets larger and it is overshadowed by modifiers from Buildings.

Although, a leader should find himself making a multitude of Charisma based skill checks on a regular basis that have nothing to do with Kingdom Rounds.

A Circlet of Persuasion would certainly help with these.

That's what I meant. Not for the Control DCs, just for the bonus on Charisma based checks. There are so much social interaction - at least in my game.

I'm not sure I agree. I guess it depends on what you believe the kingdom roll represents. For me, it's a summary of numerous interactions over days (or even months) resulting in certain outcomes. The leader weights in through numerous CHA-based checks, and he'd get the competence bonus on all those checks, so shouldn't he get it on the check that summarizes them all? If it were just a limited number of times a day, I would say hell no, but the bonus is always active. Of course the roll is so abstract in that it doesn't reference any skills at all, that you can read whatever you wish into it.
So by RAW it probably shouldn't apply, but I'd grant it. It's not really going to matter one way or the other in 99% of all cases.

Old Drake wrote:

I'm not sure I agree. I guess it depends on what you believe the kingdom roll represents. For me, it's a summary of numerous interactions over days (or even months) resulting in certain outcomes. The leader weights in through numerous CHA-based checks, and he'd get the competence bonus on all those checks, so shouldn't he get it on the check that summarizes them all? If it were just a limited number of times a day, I would say hell no, but the bonus is always active. Of course the roll is so abstract in that it doesn't reference any skills at all, that you can read whatever you wish into it.

So by RAW it probably shouldn't apply, but I'd grant it. It's not really going to matter one way or the other in 99% of all cases.

So, since the General is using STR-based checks, he should take an armour check penalty, right?

Since the ACP doesn't apply to ability checks, no. If you replace the ability modifier with a modifier based on the average of various relevant skills, ACP would naturally apply as normal.
Of course the General using STR in the first place is very odd.

Old Drake wrote:

Since the ACP doesn't apply to ability checks, no. If you replace the ability modifier with a modifier based on the average of various relevant skills, ACP would naturally apply as normal.

Of course the General using STR in the first place is very odd.

Good thing Kingdom Rolls aren't Ability Checks, then. I just thought that your argument was that since the Kingdom roll was an abstraction of the numerous rolls your leaders would be making throughout the month. If your leaders aren't making skill checks, what are they making? What is an example of a Charisma Check?

Also, if several more of your leaders had a penalty to ability checks for some reason, would those stack?

Don't Generals add either STR or CHA to Stability? I don't have the AP in front of me, I don't remember.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Yes, Generals use either their Str or their Cha. Ruler is the only Kingdom 'job' that only uses one ability modifier. Actually about half of the 'jobs' can use Cha.

Which is my point. The Kingdom roll was an abstraction of the numerous rolls your leaders would be making throughout the month, an abstraction for charisma based skill checks. It would be more realistic to average several skills and take that as modifier, but Paizo went for simply attribute instead. Since the circlet adds to every roll involving CHA, adding it to the abstraction of all those rolls makes sense to me.

And yes, penalties would stack. Ability drain, negative levels, long lasting effects from critical hits, curses, whatever. The penalties they impose would affect the kingdom.

Liberty's Edge

This question has come up in my game as well, and 4500 gp just seems like way too low of a price tag for such an immense boost to the kingdom rolls, especially given that the system is pretty easy to "beat" anyway. If my players were struggling to eke out whatever tiny scrap of control they could find, sure, I'd give it to them, but I had to say "nay" to it in my game. One of the issues was that there's not really an equivalent item for other stats, and another, as I say, is that it's not exactly a needed bonus. I could see ruling either way on it, depending on what suits your game. (Such helpful advice, huh? ^_^; )

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