Dragon's Demand scenario 1c: Wizard's Estate setup questions

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

Easy stuff:

We have no villian, so winning the scenario is done by closing all of the locations.
We have 7 closing henchman, so for a 4 player game, the first 5 would be used and placed in the locations. If we were playing with 6 players, all of them would be used, but the last two would be placed in as proxies.

Confusing stuff:

Dangers wrote:
Each time you encounter the danger, randomly choose a new Eldritch story bane.

What is an eldritch story bane? Not a single one of the story bane cards in the entire box has the trait "Eldritch".

During this scenario wrote:
At the end of your move step, roll 1d12. On a 1-6, summon and encounter the corresponding random Eldritch story bane.

So we summon and encounter "the corresponding" "random" "Eldritch story bane". Again I am supposed to have story banes with the eldritch trait, of which I find zero. But now I should have a list of 6 of them to correspond with the 1-6 that I rolled earlier on the d12. And after finding the corresponding story bane to use, I should then pick it randomly.


My attempts at parsing these rules into something playable went rather badly. There are 7 closing henchmen, so that doesn't match up with the 6 Eldritch story bane list that I need. Depending on how many players there are, there would be between 5 henchmen and 2 henchmen (the ones placed by proxy) still available. The others would be in locations.

We decided that the two henchmen available at the start would be the list of "Eldritch story banes" to choose from. As henchmen are removed from their location, they get added to the list. After doing the 50% chance with the d12, if you need to encounter a story bane, you then chose from the list randomly.

And of course we have to use the d12 to create the 50% chance, because who doesn't love chasing d12s around the table.

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What you're looking for is the "The Dragon's Demand Story Bane Roster", which can be easy to miss because it's on the reverse side of "The Onslaughts" Wildcard. That holds the table for determining random story banes.

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The back of the wildcard The Onslaughts contains the Dragon's Demand Story Bane Roster. One of the columns in there is Eldritch -- you roll 1d6 and that is the corresponding bane you encounter.

If that bane is currently in a location somewhere and therefore not available, reroll until you get something you're able to summon. Also reroll if the level of the bane is higher than #.

Edit: ninja'd but leaving this up for posterity since it does contain some info that the above post does not.

breithauptclan wrote:
Dangers wrote:
Each time you encounter the danger, randomly choose a new Eldritch story bane.
What is an eldritch story bane? Not a single one of the story bane cards in the entire box has the trait "Eldritch".

This is an easily missed rule/thing. Others can be found here:

https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2222317/easily-missed-rules-list-help-new- players

A few other possibly helpful links can be found in this post.

Good luck!

Malcolm_Reynolds wrote:
What you're looking for is the "The Dragon's Demand Story Bane Roster", which can be easy to miss because it's on the reverse side of "The Onslaughts" Wildcard. That holds the table for determining random story banes.

Awesome. Thanks.

Yeah, that is really easy to miss. I would recommend putting that on the FAQ - not because it needs errata or clarification, but because it is frequently missed so people will frequently ask questions about it.

Also, 'randomly' picking the 'corresponding' story bane doesn't make a lot of sense. But I guess it is mathematically valid to randomly pick from a list of one item. But that is just a language nitpick. Not something that is going to cause problems playing the game.

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