Rosenbs25 |
It allows you to add your profiency bonus to your AC, which is rather important.
Well there is 2 sections of proficencies in the Armor Class Box so did not know if I add them both and then put the total in the box...example, I have trained checked in light and then trained in armor class so do I add both of the trained proficencies together?

Megistone |

Coldermoss wrote:It allows you to add your profiency bonus to your AC, which is rather important.Well there is 2 sections of proficencies in the Armor Class Box so did not know if I add them both and then put the total in the box...example, I have trained checked in light and then trained in armor class so do I add both of the trained proficencies together?
'Trained in armor class' is not something that exists in the game, I guess what you mean is that your character is trained in unarmored defense. Maybe there is some translation issue?
Anyway no, you don't add proficiencies together, you apply the one that fits with the kind of armor (or lack of) you are wearing.
Rosenbs25 |
Rosenbs25 wrote:Coldermoss wrote:It allows you to add your profiency bonus to your AC, which is rather important.Well there is 2 sections of proficencies in the Armor Class Box so did not know if I add them both and then put the total in the box...example, I have trained checked in light and then trained in armor class so do I add both of the trained proficencies together?'Trained in armor class' is not something that exists in the game, I guess what you mean is that your character is trained in unarmored defense. Maybe there is some translation issue?
Anyway no, you don't add proficiencies together, you apply the one that fits with the kind of armor (or lack of) you are wearing.
Its hard to decribe when I cant put a picture of character sheet here...there are 2 sections in the armor class that have a proficiency box to check, one is next to prof box and the other is underneigth the box that has armor categories

Aw3som3-117 |

The boxes with specific armors are for you to keep track of your proficiency type with each type of armor. Untrained is no check, then we have t for trained, e for expert, and so on.
The little proficiency boxes next to the armor you're wearing are essentially the same thing, but specifically for the armor you're wearing. So, if you're wearing light armor, then you'd look down to your light armor proficiency (let's say it's trained), and would mark yourself as being trained in your current armor.
The bigger box simply labeled "prof" is for the numerical value associated with that proficiency you just marked down. So, assuming you're proficient with the armor you're wearing (or unarmored defense if you're not wearing armor), then at level 1 you'd put 3 there, because your proficiency bonus is level + 2 = 1 + 2 = 3.