Cadaver golem from Heroes of Horror



Additionally, the golem can acquire certain extraordinary and supernatural abilities, if it takes body parts from members of the proper classes or races. It can only have one such ability at a time and can choose when assimilating parts if it wishes to keep its current ability or gain the new one.

What means exactly ?

For example, the cadaver golem takes the tongue from a dusk giant, it gains only the cannibalize ability but not the rend ability.

And the heart of a troll, it gains the regeneration ability.

Or it can't have the regeneration and the cannibalize at the same time ?

Can a fiend of possession possess a cadaver golem with possess object or possess creature ?

Thanks for your future help.

The ability does seem unclear: do they get only a single ability or skill for the entire golem, or do they get one ability per body part?
Personally, I think they meant only one ability in total.
I don't think it would be entirely overpowered to allow one ability per body part, at least if you don't mind increasing the CR of the creature a notch or two to account for multiple powerful abilities.

In any case, two things are clear:
1. A body part gives only one ability and one skill. You couldn't not gain Regenerate and Rage from a troll Barbarian, for instance, you would have to choose which
2. The golem would not gain rend from taking the tongue - rend is an ability that uses only claws, and thus against the general idea of the Assimilate ability.

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