Does Dual-Class Investigator / Rogue get More skill feats?

Rules Discussion

The GMG says:
"Then, when you get to the step of choosing a class, select two classes and add everything from each class except Hit Points and starting skills: initial proficiencies, class features, class feats, extra skill feats and skill increases for rogues, and so on."

But under "Character Advancement" it says:
"A dual-class character gains the class feats and class features for both classes at each level as they advance, with the exception of ability boosts, general feats, skill feats, and skill increases—the character gets each of these benefits only once per level, since both classes would provide the same benefit. (A dual-class rogue/ranger still gets the extra skill feat and skill increase at levels where the other class doesn’t provide them.)"

Rogue gains a skill feat at each level.
Invigilator get a skill feat at each even level, and a limited set of skill feats at 3rd and every odd level after.

So would a Dual-Class Investigator/Rogue, get two skill feats at 3rd and every odd level after?

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