Goshdarn Kobold Champion Snarecrafter


OK, PF2e came out, I loved Paladins so I wanted to make a Champion. After toying with several build ideas I just wasn't too excited by many of the class feats. With APG out I thought to myself that I could probably just find an interesting archetype to dump feats into.

Here we have the Snarecrafter Champion. I don't think this will be really optimized but I think it could be fun.

Ancestry/Heritage: Kobold/SpellScale (none of the other heritages really excited me that much, poison tail seems nice but I plan on using the flickmace so it won't really work. I was going to be taking the Dracomancer feats so this fit with the slight magic theme. With spellscale I would likely take something like detect magic, but maybe ray of frost for a ranged attack)

Dragon Exemplar: Silver (just fit with the theme of the Paladin so well, I picture a noble looking silver scaled kobold with a long neck)

Background: Squire

Class: Champion, Paladin

Str 18
Dex 10
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 12
Cha 12

(Took the extra flaws to boost Con)

Skills: Warfare Lore, Athletics, Religion, (some deity skill), Crafting, Diplomacy, Survival


1-BF: Armour Assist
1-BF: Snarecrafting
1-AF: Snare Setter (this fulfills all the snarecrafter requirements)
1-CF: Ranged Reprisal
2-SF: Bon Mot
2-CF: Dedication: Snarecrafter
3: Shield Ally
3-GF: Weapon Proficiency (Gnome Flickmace) (then beg your GM to have access, or build one with crafting or something)
4-SF: Battle Planner (seems to fit with the snare stuff)
4-CF: Surprise Snare
5-AF: Snare Genius (more snares!)
5: Ability increases to Str, Con, Wis, Cha
6-SF: (whatever)
6-CF: Attack of Opportunity
7-GF: Toughness
8-SF: (whatever)
8-CF: Quick Block (more reactions)
9-AF: Dracomancer (truestrike and invisibility)
10-SF: (something)
10-CF: Giant Snares
11-GF: Incredible Investiture
12-SF: (Something)
12-CF: Powerful Snares
13-AF: Elite Dracomancer (Wall of wind, freedom of movement)
14-SF: (something)
14-CF: Divine Reflexes (MORE REACTIONS)
15-GF: (something)
16-SF: (whatever)
16-CF: Shield of Grace (or whatever)
17-AF: (whatever) (could grab kobold breath with ancestral paragon and then dragon breath at this level, which gives you 9d8 cold damage breath weapon in a 30 foot cone once per hour, not bad)
18-SF: (whatever)
18-CF: Celestial form (or something)
19-GF: (whatever)
20-SF: (whatever)
20-CF: Shield Paragon

So the idea is to max out on reactions, ranged reprisal with the flickmace, attack of opportunity, and shield block. Whenever you start your turn next to an enemy, which is hopefully often if you are fulfilling your role as party tank, use surprise snare to dump a snare right on them. If you aren't next to an enemy you are moving up, raising your shield, and attacking. I kind of wish there was a way to get the reactive shield feat early, so you could raise your shield in the same turn as you set a trap, but I don't see an easy way to do this.

The kobold spells are just for some flexibility, you have no stealth capability, but you can turn invisible once a day, truestrike for an important attack, wall of wind for ranged defence, and freedom of movement for those kind of emergencies.

Let me know if you can tweak this or if I got something wrong here.


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