Do recent changes to the vesks unarmed strike change any previous rulings?

Rules Questions

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Metaphysician wrote:

Maybe the answer, and perhaps the desired outcome on the part of the developers, is for people to *stop doing that*?

Well, the more you have to do that to get the right answer (as they did in this case) the more you encourage and justify people doing that.


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This isn't even a case of that.

What happened here was progressive community discussion with a Designer (the Ring of Fangs FAQ), confirmation that this is how Unarmed Strikes work, then completely changing everything that had been worked through (and the additional banning of the RoF in Society).

That's not parsing text as legalese; it's false advertising.


This is that PF1 "spell-like abilities meet prerequisites" issue all over again.

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Nefreet wrote:
This is that PF1 "spell-like abilities meet prerequisites" issue all over again.

Right, so you should have known better.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

So, I guess the real elephant in the room us whether the update to the FAQ/Errata page will also change Natural Weapons entries for all the other species that have them?


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That is currently what I am concerned about. It honestly feels like common sense for it to cascade to every race that has unarmed strikes. But this means that two of my SFS characters (Morlamaw/Formian) are going to have to buy a hecking Mnemonic Editor to rewrite the levels in other classes/feats they took to make shields a part of their outfit. I felt like we simplified things a bit with the errata with unarmed strikes around when COM came out, but now we've taken a step backwards into complexity/"well in this case that doesn't work."

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HammerJack wrote:
So, I guess the real elephant in the room us whether the update to the FAQ/Errata page will also change Natural Weapons entries for all the other species that have them?

Vesk had the best argument for working with shields because their claw/tail/bite/whatever was more expansive than other species tusks bite. If vesk don't get it, no one else does.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I think that's the most reasonable outcome, but since there are a lot of Natural Weapons out there that don't say "as the vesk ability" it doesn't happen automatically, and will be more of a long running mess if not addressed in the errata page update.

I'm hoping that won't happen.

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Macaroune wrote:
That is currently what I am concerned about. It honestly feels like common sense for it to cascade to every race that has unarmed strikes. But this means that two of my SFS characters (Morlamaw/Formian) are going to have to buy a hecking Mnemonic Editor to rewrite the levels in other classes/feats they took to make shields a part of their outfit. I felt like we simplified things a bit with the errata with unarmed strikes around when COM came out, but now we've taken a step backwards into complexity/"well in this case that doesn't work."

Wait, really? You have to spend character resources to correct something broken by a rules update? That's insane.

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