APL and Starships

Rules Questions

Liberty's Edge

Could a party split its build points between starships? Are there rules for how big a ship needs to be in order to hold a second ship?

Yes, and yes. Your first question is detailed in the Space Operations Manual which recently came out, and your second is at least partly answered by how expansion bays/hangar bays/launch tubes are ruled.

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You actually don't split BP.

If you have two starships, both should be tier = APL-1 each, three APL-2, and so on.

Garretmander wrote:

You actually don't split BP.

If you have two starships, both should be tier = APL-1 each, three APL-2, and so on.

Correct, and fair point. I should have been more specific.

Liberty's Edge

Garretmander wrote:

You actually don't split BP.

If you have two starships, both should be tier = APL-1 each, three APL-2, and so on.

Whoa. It seems insanely overpowered for a level 7 party to have 2 tier 6 ships.

Theconiel wrote:
Whoa. It seems insanely overpowered for a level 7 party to have 2 tier 6 ships.

I guess it would depend what you're fighting?

Theconiel wrote:
Garretmander wrote:

You actually don't split BP.

If you have two starships, both should be tier = APL-1 each, three APL-2, and so on.

Whoa. It seems insanely overpowered for a level 7 party to have 2 tier 6 ships.

Sort of?

In a four man party with two ships, each ship will likely fly and shoot, and rarely recharge the shields or rebalance the shields.

While a single enemy ship will fly, shoot, recharge and rebalance every turn. So there are tradeoffs.

Personally, I would start at APL-2 for multiple ships, but that's what's written in the starship book.

Keep in mind, that when you get to three or four ships, at lower levels they can be significantly behind a single full tier ship in what they can actually mount/do. Two ships is probably the sweet spot of maximum power.

To help illustrate on how to build a squadron.

Step 1, Concept
Step 2, the squadron’s tier is equal to the PCs’ average party level (APL), which is determined by totaling the PCs’ levels and dividing by the number of PCs. The number of starships and the squadron’s tier determine the individual starships’ tiers.

4 PCs that are level 4 (APL 4). Two starships (APL -1 = APL 3).

Step 3, The PCs design their squadron starships following the design rules on pages 293–305 of the Core Rulebook.

According to Core Rulebook, once you know the tier of the ship, consult Table 9–1: Starship Base Statistics to determine the number of Build Points you can spend to create the starships. For tier 3, that is 95 BPs.


Question, do all 4 PCs have 95 BP to design their starships or do they split the BP (47 BP) between two starships? I'm assuming the second option.

Tiny Fighters have maximum crew of 2 and are usually worth 8 BP.

Toxicsyn wrote:

To help illustrate on how to build a squadron.

Step 1, Concept
Step 2, the squadron’s tier is equal to the PCs’ average party level (APL), which is determined by totaling the PCs’ levels and dividing by the number of PCs. The number of starships and the squadron’s tier determine the individual starships’ tiers.

4 PCs that are level 4 (APL 4). Two starships (APL -1 = APL 3).

Step 3, The PCs design their squadron starships following the design rules on pages 293–305 of the Core Rulebook.

According to Core Rulebook, once you know the tier of the ship, consult Table 9–1: Starship Base Statistics to determine the number of Build Points you can spend to create the starships. For tier 3, that is 95 BPs.


Question, do all 4 PCs have 95 BP to design their starships or do they split the BP (47 BP) between two starships? I'm assuming the second option.

Tiny Fighters have maximum crew of 2 and are usually worth 8 BP.

Each of the two ships has the full BP of that tier (95 for tier 3). There is no split.

So using tier 3, 95 BP. I just designed two Sunrise Maidens for my squadron. With 2 PCs in each ship. Is this ideal for a squadron?

Medium explorer
Speed 10; Maneuverability good (turn 1); Drift 1
AC 13; TL 13
HP 55; DT -; CT 11
Shields Light 60 (forward 15, port 15, starboard 15, aft 15)
Attack (Forward) gyrolaser (1d8)
Attack (Aft) flak thrower (3d4)
Attack (Port) light laser cannon (2d4)
Attack (Starboard) light laser cannon (2d4)
Attack (Turret) light particle beam (3d6)
Power Core Pulse Green (150 PCU); Drift Engine Signal Basic; Systems basic medium-range sensors, crew quarters (good), mk 3 armor, mk 3 defences, mk 1 duonode computer (tier 1)
Expansion Bays cargo hold (2), escape pods, recreation suite (hac)
Modifiers +1 any two checks per round, +2 Computers, +1 Piloting; Complement 5
Crew 2

Build Points cost 95
PCU Budget 150

At level 4 I'd probably take off the side and fore guns to try and squeeze in a twin linked turret. After all, you can't fire multiple guns at once.

But, yes, two tier 3 ships are likely the most powerful setup you can have at level 4. The ship checks are easier, you double up on pilots and gunners, and no one has to take the snap shot or glide actions like if you had three or four ships.

Note that you can get around the "not enough crew actions to avoid having to glide/snap shot" issue by spending a few BP on ship VI. They're not as good as actual PCs of their level/tier, but still a lot better than relying on the minor starship crew actions.

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