9th level feature of the Warmonger Mystic connection

Rules Questions


Are your summoned creatures required to meet the prerequisites for the feats you give them? For example, can you give Mystic Strike to them? You need to be able to cast spells to use the feat - summoned cratures can't cast.

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Well, you're not giving them any feats.

They're gaining the benefit of a feat you already have.

So yes, I'd say they receive the benefit whether they meet the prerequisite or not.


Seems reasonable. Thanks.


And what if you give them Step Up and Strike feat? They don't have the original Step Up - can they still make use of it fully?

By the way everything is worded, I'd say yes, though you should definitely ask your GM before you plan on it.


My warmonger character is SFS, so just making sure that he won't get the stink eye from different DMs.

I forget, but doesn't the connection power only give passive bonus feat abilities (like Coordinated Shot or Weapon Focus)? You actually have to use Step Up or Step Up and Strike, so you can't grant them to your minions.

Or I might be recalling incorrectly.

Here is the class ability

General Tactics (Su, 9th level): Each day when you regain your mystic spells, choose one combat feat that you know. Whenever you summon one or more creatures using summon monster, all creatures summoned gain the benefits of the chosen feat. If you choose Adaptive Fighting with this ability, all creatures summoned gain the benefits of one of the feats you chose with Adaptive Fighting, determined when each creature is summoned; this counts as your use of Adaptive Fighting for the day.

It doesn't say the summon monster needs to meet the prerequisites. Only you need to meet the prerequisites and it gotta be a combat feat that you know.

So if you want them to know Step Up and Strike, you can grant them that ability as the one combat feat you decided to share with them.


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So the summoned creatures are able to benefit from the feat fully, including when it directs you to the fuctions of a prerequisite feat. Got it, thanks for clearing that up for me.

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