Flame Oracle and fire resistance, potential problem ?

Age of Ashes

Hello all, I am the GM of a group who have just finished book 2 and going to start book 3 now. With the APG out, one of my players fell in love with the flame Oracle, but knowing the overall dragon theme of the adventure path, wanted to be sure that it was viable with regards to resistances. Anyone having GM'ed further than book 2, what are your experiences with the number of enemies with fire resistance, and would a flame Oracle have a bad experience ?
Thanks in advance :)

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Gm, currently in Book 4.

A good chunk of creatures in this AP have fire resistance, and a few more are immune.

That being said, my party consists of Dragon Barbarian who swings around a flaming scythe as well as a Ranger MC Dragon Sorcerer who pretty much only has fire spells. Neither of them regret their fire themed options.

There are indeed some enemies that will either laugh or straight up ignore fire, but I wouldn't say it's frequent enough to make it a bad experience. Most of the time (but not all), the enemy that resists/immune to fire has other enemies with them the flame Oracle can deal with.

Some things to keep in mind, I'll spoiler tab just in case:

AoA Spoilers:
Book 3 has an Ice Devil, who is immune to fire. That's the only enemy in that encounter. But the other fire resistant/immune enemies typically have friends. There are two flame drakes on a map filled with scarlet triad goons and boars for example.

The final fight of Book 4 has a lot of fire immunity if my memory is correct. This will feel pretty crappy if fire is your literal only option.

There are also multiple Golem fights through AoA, who don't care about magic at all.

In short, I think a flame oracle would be fine. But that flame oracle may want to invest in some non-flame options for fights where fire does nothing. I believe this should be the case in any story though, as fire is the element most immune/resisted (I think?).

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I'm back! I looked ahead because something dawned on me worth pointing out. More spoiler tabs

AoA Book 6:
Final Boss is immune to fire. Would suck if you were fire based and couldn't do anything in the last fight. I'd recommend some GM magic maybe? Each node in the final chapter powers up the PCs. Maybe make it so the flame oracle treats Fire Immunity as Fire Resistance instead?

xNellynelx wrote:

I'm back! I looked ahead because something dawned on me worth pointing out. More spoiler tabs

** spoiler omitted **

Thanks alot for your very nice response ! Shared your response with my player today, and they decided to go with the flame Oracle :)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Waryyn wrote:
xNellynelx wrote:

I'm back! I looked ahead because something dawned on me worth pointing out. More spoiler tabs

** spoiler omitted **

Thanks alot for your very nice response ! Shared your response with my player today, and they decided to go with the flame Oracle :)

Glad to help! So long as they have a few non-fire options for the couple of fights where they legit have no targets, I think they'll still have fun.

Worst case, you can alter the scenario as needed for what is best at your table. Like the suggestion I gave for book 6.

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