Waryyn |
If you want art for bestiary creatures it's in Nethys. The images in the books are higher resolution but they're often cropped to fit.
The easiest way to script getting art for monster manual books is to scrape google image search or use the bing api. I've done that myself. Those engines' algorithms are good enough that almost always grabbing the first 10 will get you what you were after. (EDIT: And of course, in publishing the script you aren't distributing anyone else's content).
I agree that this is by far the easiest solution, but I think normalizing this kind of script where users can get the art for free is dangerous, as it will be hard to transition users back to paying for art if they just get it for free. Paizo is extremely nice to allow AoN to host the art, but if everyone just starts scraping it for art, that may be reconsidered as it limits their ability to earn money on it. For this reason, I think it would be best for solutions for getting images on VTT should be based on PDFs, as these are at least bought from Paizo.