Pathfinder Society 2nd Edition's missing icons

Website Feedback

Hello everyone.

I was just curious, why are (almost) all the icons from PFS2E missing from the forums? I mean, those little icons that appear before the user's nickname in the boards. Is there a specific reason? I tried to see if it was just my browser (Google Chrome) that was acting strange, but they are missing also on Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge. Mine is just a curiosity, I bet the tech team who's making all this thing work has more pressing matters to attend to than some missing icons.

Thank you in advance for your time and answers.

I believe that most of the PFS icons only show up when you post in the Pathfinder Society forums.

That's strange, since the icon for the Envoy's Alliance shows up regularly in any forum.

Horizon Hunters

The only faction symbol I can get to work is Horizon Hunters. When I look at my other registered characters online, the faction symbol shows the “broken image” icon.

Horizon Hunters

Mark Stratton wrote:
The only faction symbol I can get to work is Horizon Hunters. When I look at my other registered characters online, the faction symbol shows the “broken image” icon.


Any news on this issue? Seems strange that after so much time has passed the icons are still broken. I don't think that solving this problem would take much, but then again I'm no expert in web designing.

Sovereign Court Organized Play Manager

This is a known issue that is currently in the organized play queue of items. We will get it resolved when possible, but it is not the highest priority. Thanks for your patience!

Since some time has passed since my last check of this post, I was wondering if there's going to be any news about this issue.

To be fair I'm not even playing PFS2E at this time, but I'm still curious about this.

Came back to a nice surprise! Thanks for adding the icons, my brain can worry a bit less now.

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