Raapid Reshape

Nanocyte Class

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Based off the wording

Rapid Reshape (Ex)
ever 1d4 rounds you can use a nanite surge to form a nanite array as a swift action.

Ok ....thats well and good but for a nanite surge i can already do this

as the nanite array (ex) states i can use a nanite surge and change it allready as a swift action..

do they mean as a free action then every 1d4 rounds i can change as a free?

other wise what am i missing?

I thought the same thing.

"I thought I could do this already by using Nanite Surges without waiting x amount of rounds..."

I'd assume it means you can reshape them without using an nanite surge every 1d4 rounds, which is a handy ability for sure. If it's not, I have no idea what the ability is supposed to do.

Dang, I didn’t get a chance to start this. But I read it and was like Wait, this can already be done. Maybe they meant as a reaction? Maybe you don’t use a nanite surge? Either way works.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was just a hold over from an older version of the class that didn't have that as an option.

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