Pathfinder Society scenarios that have non-violent endings or solutions, or are non-violent or focus on non-violence

Pathfinder Society

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Rysky wrote:
In an optimistic situation perhaps, but I've seen plenty of rage induced meltdowns when you starts a sentence with "could you" in regards to someone doing something offensive, with or without their knowing.

If someone is afraid of a rage induced meltdown if they bring it up directly, then they shouldn't bring it up indirectly either, and definitely not in a thread where I might see it.

They always have the option of not bringing it up at all and just Reporting the post to Paizo. That's why some of us use that button, when either we don't have the power to handle it, are uncomfortable wading in, or just don't want to deal with it.

5/5 5/55/55/5

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Watery Soup wrote:

If someone is afraid of a rage induced meltdown

so THATS how you became watery soup...

Please let’s avoid personal comments.

Kevin, I’m not sure I understand how the new Death rule makes the game more flexible with regard to NPC death. It only seems more limiting than the PF1ed.

The Exchange 4/5 5/5

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oteta wrote:
Kevin, I’m not sure I understand how the new Death rule makes the game more flexible with regard to NPC death. It only seems more limiting than the PF1ed.

With the understanding that the rules on NPC death have always been "whatever the GM says they are":

A PF1 GM trying to "exactly follow the rules" has to track each individual NPC's hit points even once they are negative. Make stabilization rolls and continue subtracting hit points. In PF2 the GM can just say "these three don't matter, they die at zero. The story-critical woman won't, so they'll have at least 3 turns to save her." (Or, conversely, use the dying rules for everyone if the party likes to bring everyone back for trial.)

Essentially the PF2 rules just codify that it's OK for the GM to assume the mooks are dead and speed the game along. I actually like the Starfinder rule even better, which says the GM can choose to make any dropped NPC dead or stable without rolling anything if he wants to.

Yes, I'm sure someone is thinking of a GM who will have all the bad guys die at 0 even if the party wants them alive. But that's antagonistic GMing, not a function of the rule. I'm talking about GMs who want to work with the party, not stiff them.

The second reason the dying rules are more flexible is that in PF1 - starting about 7th level or so - it is actually pretty hard to keep NPCs alive unless you are focusing on non-lethal attacks and spells. Especially after 10th level. Because PCs do a lot of damage per attack NPCs often go from fighting to outright dead in one hit. Similarly, if you knock an NPC below 0 hp in PF1, then any AoE (fireball) will almost certainly kill it. In PF2 the GM starts the count at Dying 1 and you've got at least a couple of rounds - or a couple of fireballs - to capture the NPC.

Silver Crusade

Watery Soup wrote:
Rysky wrote:
In an optimistic situation perhaps, but I've seen plenty of rage induced meltdowns when you starts a sentence with "could you" in regards to someone doing something offensive, with or without their knowing.

If someone is afraid of a rage induced meltdown if they bring it up directly, then they shouldn't bring it up indirectly either, and definitely not in a thread where I might see it.

They always have the option of not bringing it up at all and just Reporting the post to Paizo. That's why some of us use that button, when either we don't have the power to handle it, are uncomfortable wading in, or just don't want to deal with it.

I was specifically talking about the phrasing of "could you" which has peculiar results, not on bringing it up at all.

Also, "if you think someone will become angry over calling them on saying something bad then you shouldn't say anything at all" is not a good take.

Good afternoon, everyone. Thanks for the continued, interesting conversation.

Saashaa, sorry I didn’t reply earlier. While gameplay with young people is one of my motivations for exploring non-violence in Pathfinder, we have to start with the person in the mirror, namely, us, older players (some, like me, older than others!) because from us flow the ideas for the stories that we tell.

Kevin, thank you very much for the detailed explanation about how the new system for dying could be used to save more NPCs from death. While I agree with most of your points, I still do not like the distinction made between significant and insignificant NPCs in the rules. With regard to violence, saying that there is such thing as an insignificant NPC is as fraught with problems as saying in real life that there is such a thing as an insignificant person. I would strongly prefer that this distinction be removed from the rules.


Rysky wrote:
I was specifically talking about the phrasing of "could you" which has peculiar results

There are 200,000 words in the English language, I'm sure that someone who wants to communicate effectively can find something that works.

Paizo Employee Organized Play Developer

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Now that GenCon has started and the Year 2 PFS scenarios have started to creep out into the world, I'd like to add 2-02 Mountain of Sea and Sky to the list, which is an Envoy's Alliance mission and has a heavy focus on diplomacy. It'll be out officially next month!

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Thank you, James, for your suggestion and your work on Organized Play! Enjoy GenCon everyone!

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'Morning all. I hope you are well, and, for those who could participate, I hope you enjoyed GenCon! At the Con, my family and I were able to play a couple of scenarios that had self-defense and then potential, non-violent conclusions:

1ed PFS #4-19: The Night March of Kalkamedes (levels 1-5)
2ed PFS #1-07: Flooded King's Court (levels 1-4)

Interestingly, the family member I was playing with said that, out of all the scenarios they'd played, they enjoyed these scenarios the most. I hope it's helpful.

This post reminds me of another strategy that focuses on non-violence that I did not mention in my list of ways to write scenarios non-violently, which is an emphasis of self defense.

As you come across more Pathfinder Society scenarios that have non-violent endings or solutions, or are non-violent or focus on non-violence, please feel free to post them here, everyone.

Have a great day!

PS: Oops, I see a couple folks mentioned "Flooded King's Court" already!

Good evening, all. I have compiled the list of suggested scenarios and put it in order by edition and scenario #. The *2s mean that the scenario was recommended by two people. I hope it's helpful.

An interesting thing to note about the list is that it leans heavily toward 2nd edition. Is that because the scenarios are fresh in people's minds, 2e players are more active on the forum now, or Paizo has leaned 2e adventures toward plots which can be resolved non-violently?

Also, if anyone happens to come up with more suggestions, please feel free to post it here. Peace!

Compilation of Suggestions in order by Edition and #
Pathfinder Chronicles: City of Strangers
PF1 #1-07: Flooded King's Court
PF1 #3-01: The Frostfur Captives
PF1 #4–11: The Disappeared *2
PF1 #4–19: The Night March of Kalkamedes
PF1 #5–11: Library of the Lion
PF1 #6–07: Valley of Veiled Flame
PF1 #6–18: From Under Ice
PF1 #7–03: The Bronze House Reprisal
PF1 #7–05: School of Spirits
PF1 #7–22: Bid for Alabastrine
PF1 #8-17: Refugees of the Weary Sky
PF1 #9-06: The Shores of Heaven
PF1 #9-14: Down the Verdant Path
PF1 #9-22: Grotto of the Deluged God
PF2 #1-01: The Absalom Initiation
PF2 #1-05: Trailblazers’ Bounty
PF2 #1-06: Lost on the Spirit Road
PF2 #1-08: Revolution on the Riverside *2
PF2 #1-10: Tarnbreaker's Trail *2
PF2 #1-12: "The Burden of Envy"
PF2 #1-15: The Blooming Catastrophe
PF2 #1-18: Lodge of the Living God *2
PF2 #1-23: The Star-Crossed Court
PF2 #2-02 Mountain of Sea and Sky

PS: Here are a couple suggestions from the forum about non-violent Adventure Paths:

Pathfinder Adventure Path: Skull & Shackles
Pathfinder Adventure Path #127: Crownfall (War for the Crown 1 of 6) nt

'Night, all!

Good afternoon, all. Hope you’re well. Here’s a link to some non-Society, non-violence focused adventures I came across: Playground Adventures. I read “A Friend in Need” and found it refreshing and fun.

Hope it’s interesting and helpful. Stay safe, folks.

Hi everyone! To help prepare my family for Gen Con online, can anyone by any chance add to the list of PFS scenarios I’ve collected below that have potentially non-violent solutions / endings?

The last addition looks like it was from around 2020. Please contribute if you can. Thank you!

Compilation of Suggestions and votes in order by Edition and #
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Kingmaker *2
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Hell's Rebels *2
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Skull & Shackles *4
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Strength of Thousands *2
Pathfinder Adventure Path #127: Crownfall (War for the Crown 1 of 6)
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Songbird, Scion, Saboteur (War for the Crown 2 of 6)
Pathfinder Bounty #4: Cat's Cradle
Pathfinder Chronicles: City of Strangers
PF1 #3-01: The Frostfur Captives
PF1 #4–11: The Disappeared *2
PF1 #4–19: The Night March of Kalkamedes
PF1 #5–11: Library of the Lion
PF1 #6–07: Valley of Veiled Flame
PF1 #6–18: From Under Ice
PF1 #7–03: The Bronze House Reprisal
PF1 #7–05: School of Spirits
PF1 #7–22: Bid for Alabastrine
PF1 #8-17: Refugees of the Weary Sky
PF1 #9-06: The Shores of Heaven
PF1 #9-14: Down the Verdant Path
PF1 #9-22: Grotto of the Deluged God
PF2 #1-01: The Absalom Initiation
PF2 #1-05: Trailblazers’ Bounty
PF2 #1-06: Lost on the Spirit Road
PF2 #1-07: Flooded King's Court
PF2 #1-08: Revolution on the Riverside *2
PF2 #1-10: Tarnbreaker's Trail *2
PF2 #1-12: "The Burden of Envy"
PF2 #1-15: The Blooming Catastrophe
PF2 #1-18: Lodge of the Living God *2
PF2 #1-23: The Star-Crossed Court
PF2 #2-02 Mountain of Sea and Sky

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Good evening, everyone. Here's another story for the list of adventures with a potential non-violent ending from our convention play:

PF2 #2-09: The Seven Secrets of Dacilane Academy (1-4)

Hope it's helpful!

2/5 *

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oteta wrote:

Which Pathfinder Society scenarios have non-violent endings or solutions, or are non-violent or focus on non-violence?

Virtually every scenario can end with a non-violent solution. It depends on the GM and the players if they want to make it happen and are creative enough to make it happen.

Sometimes it means making deals with evil creatures/enemies though. Is that really better than having a violent solution? I don't think so, but to each their own.

I'll give you some examples of scenarios where they assumed you'd have a violent ending and my group (of children age 8-11) turned it into a non-violent ending.

Doom of Cassomir example:

The hag at the end, the party druid (who wanted to save the frogs and crocodiles of the swamp) made a deal with the (evil) hag.

They negotiated the following:

  • Cult was disbanded and the hag would no longer attack the people
  • They found a nearby village with empty houses that needed residents, and convinced some people living in Cassomir to live there.
  • Convinced residents to move to the north and east of Cassomir and spent 2 months (using crafting) building basic housing for them.
  • The swamp and Admirals fens was left undrained.

Shadows and Scarecrows bounty:

The bounty assumes the party will defeat Tefla, who is evil.

Instead Tefla offered the group a deal, defeat Kareida and help her track down the other refugees, in return for more gold than the rancher was offering. So they took the deal. I ran this 3 times and only 1 group took the deal.

They actually didn't know Tefla was evil (no Religion), Tefla was an authority figure, and they didn't investigate enough to know what was going on (the first location they investigated, they had the skills to track down the refugees). So they didn't knowingly work with evil, it was done more because of ignorance.

Oh this is an old thread, sorry for continuing the zombification.

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Thank you for the reply, Jason S.! I'm happy to receive any additions to this discussion as I find it to be an extremely important topic.

At Gen Con Indy, my family and friends played another scenario with a potentially non-violent ending: "Dacilane Academy's Delightful Disaster".

As an added bonus, we really enjoyed the surprise (for us) refereeing by the scenario's author, Matt Morris!

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