SFS 3-01: Crash Down

GM Discussion

After the crash, there is supposed to be a hole in the PCs starship marked by "A6", but I can't find an "A6" marking on the maps on page 8 and 9. Where is the best point to position those hull breaches?

Also, Encounter C and Encounter D use the exactly same map, which is kinda strange to me. Is it possible to use the other side of this flip map for Encounter D, since that map would actually have ruins and so on like the description says?

5/5 5/55/55/5

The hull breach the PCs are going to get out of is in the rear of the ship.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

I have been wondering the same thing about the map and Encounter D, Blitz. I too think we were meant to have the other side of the flipmat.


Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

And here's another question about those Armory rafts. Those rafts are only 10 feet by 4 feet. How the heck do four characters fit on one for several days of travel? Are the characters squeezing the entire time they are on the river?

5/5 5/55/55/5

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Hmm wrote:
And here's another question about those Armory rafts. Those rafts are only 10 feet by 4 feet. How the heck do four characters fit on one for several days of travel? Are the characters squeezing the entire time they are on the river?

Sounds about right for an inflatable raft, where you can sit two by two

this ones 6 feet wide 13 feet long and says you can cram up to 8 people in it rowing. So by survival standards the pathfinder version is spacious luxury.

5/5 5/55/55/5

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Hmm wrote:
And here's another question about those Armory rafts. Those rafts are only 10 feet by 4 feet. How the heck do four characters fit on one for several days of travel? Are the characters squeezing the entire time they are on the river?

Sounds about right for an inflatable raft, where you can sit two by two

[url=this ones [/url] 6 feet wide 13 feet long and says you can cram up to 8 people in it rowing. So by survival standards the pathfinder version is spacious luxury.

Hmm wrote:
And here's another question about those Armory rafts. Those rafts are only 10 feet by 4 feet. How the heck do four characters fit on one for several days of travel? Are the characters squeezing the entire time they are on the river?

I mean, the usual "a medium creature takes up a 5 feet times 5 feet space" is only relevant for combats, where you need room to maneuver, dodge, aim, swing your weapon and so on. People don't actually take up five feet squares, so during travel times, it might not be entirely comforable, but it's certainly no major problem to sit in one raft with four people. The big question is what happens once they get attacked. Do they get forced to leave the raft before they can do other actions? Do I extend the raft to allow four people to fight while inside? Or do I simply allow them to take up the same space while giving them the squeezing condition?

1/5 5/55/55/5 *

The probe landing site is going to be funny to describe. The "large standing ring structure" and a "tall ring-shaped monument" is noted as being 18 feet in circumference. Unless my math is seriously rusty, this impressive golden artifact has a radius of about 2.8 feet and fits snugly in a 5-foot square.

And now I'm thinking about Spinal Tap.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

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One issue that I had during my game was that all the resource tracking (hours of armor environmental protections) seriously slowed things down when I was GMing last night. I know it was more nitty-gritty, but the continual storms meant that travel time between encounters took far longer. Usually travel time in adventures is usually glossed over in a sentence or two, but this time it meant that I was talking about each day of their journey, and that meant that my game ran longer than normal -- despite me programming in macros for all monster attacks and the storms.

I was grateful that at least one encounter was optional -- and appreciated that the choice of optional depended on what path everyone took!

One thing that I loved was when my whole party made the realization, "Our ship is sinking with us in it! Why are we still fighting these stupid crabs?" And they all ran around, ignoring the crabs, trying to grab as much emergency gear as they could!

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

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Hmm wrote:
One thing that I loved was when my whole party made the realization, "Our ship is sinking with us in it! Why are we still fighting these stupid crabs?" And they all ran around, ignoring the crabs, trying to grab as much emergency gear as they could!

Being forced to re-think ingrained habits like that was one of the things I really liked about the scenario.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

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Yay, we have maps for the Drake & Pegasus! I hate them! They don't accommodate Large characters well, and the cargo holds certainly aren't holding the vehicles and power armor people bring on these missions.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

I had fun touring the Drake and Pegasus, but I admit that Larger characters had a heck of a time getting through the ship.

5/5 5/55/55/5

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Hmm wrote:
I had fun touring the Drake and Pegasus, but I admit that Larger characters had a heck of a time getting through the ship.

Reminds me of my attempts to take a ride in the back of a prius

*car rocks*

"Oh my god did we just hit something?"

"Nope.. sorry.. just shifting my leg.. sorry.."

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

James Anderson wrote:
Yay, we have maps for the Drake & Pegasus! I hate them! They don't accommodate Large characters well, and the cargo holds certainly aren't holding the vehicles and power armor people bring on these missions.

Yeah it's quite disappointing that after several years of asking for Starfinder maps to be inclusive for Large characters, it's the Society Starships flipmat that flagrantly fails at this.

5/5 5/55/55/5

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Lau Bannenberg wrote:
James Anderson wrote:
Yay, we have maps for the Drake & Pegasus! I hate them! They don't accommodate Large characters well, and the cargo holds certainly aren't holding the vehicles and power armor people bring on these missions.
Yeah it's quite disappointing that after several years of asking for Starfinder maps to be inclusive for Large characters, it's the Society Starships flipmat that flagrantly fails at this.

art imitates life. The engineers figured they could shave off some cost savings if they figured the average starfinder was the size of a ysoki... how else do you explain airline seats?

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

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BigNorseWolf wrote:
Lau Bannenberg wrote:
James Anderson wrote:
Yay, we have maps for the Drake & Pegasus! I hate them! They don't accommodate Large characters well, and the cargo holds certainly aren't holding the vehicles and power armor people bring on these missions.
Yeah it's quite disappointing that after several years of asking for Starfinder maps to be inclusive for Large characters, it's the Society Starships flipmat that flagrantly fails at this.
art imitates life. The engineers figured they could shave off some cost savings if they figured the average starfinder was the size of a ysoki... how else do you explain airline seats?

You know you have latent masochistic tendencies when your escapism involves being abused :P

Lantern Lodge 4/5 5/5

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Or.... all the base races are medium sized and most Starfinders are base races... and spaceship space is at a premium...

Honestly... First World Problem people.

I am glad we have the maps now though, but
Why only 6 escape pods, when the complement is up to seven?
Why does the Drake have more cargo bays than the Pegasus.
And where are the science and tech labs in the Pegasus? Are they the small rooms near the cargo bay?

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

Aerondor, they are soon (with the next iteration of the guide) making the maximum number of a team only six. This movement started because PF2 scenarios become clunky with the addition of the seventh person, but they are going to be making that a limit throughout the rest of organized play, including Starfinder Society.

It's a good thing that hirelings take up no space on a map. Somehow they always squeeze in with their characters!

The science and tech labs are the smaller rooms next to the cargo bays!

Lantern Lodge 4/5 5/5

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I guess with 8 people around a table, the argument can be made you can have two tables, each with three people and an NPC taking up the fourth slot. Doesn't seem as much fun as seven folk rolling together though :-(

4/5 *

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Starfinder Society rescue ship Lamplighter... nice! :D

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

Yes, I thought of you when I saw that!

Liberty's Edge 3/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Nebraska—Omaha

GMed this adventure this past weekend. Was a really fun and different adventure.

The Party was 1 round short of max time and they still was able to get more things.. except for 2 tents...

The mystic used Telekinetic Projectile to grab one tent so the party had that for a few days before it become broken.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

I don't suppose anybody ever heard back about the jungle map issues on this one?

5/5 5/55/55/5

GM Lamplighter wrote:
Starfinder Society rescue ship Lamplighter... nice! :D

That ship is NOT allowed to go to Apostae

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